Show AN APPEAL FOR assistance the mm icho Is ebArita charitable ble to himself enill I 1 listen to the mute appeal appi dl for e made by bv his ston stomach seb or hla his ili er in the of divers qualms and uneasy lenaa ie that hla bile ilo bitterlin mccar air lr or us the ewe may tie be is what vou ton I 1 require hasten batten to use uee it you vou fire are troubled 1 with hesi thimi mind in the stomach or not dott that your or the whites ol of our ees are tak ing a sallow hue some borne st louis physicians insist that I 1 j the anti doxine treatment will cure the consumption as well as the diphtheria i I 1 DEAFNESS DEAF CANOT CANNOT BE by local ond 0 applications as aa they cann connot of reach the dreaded 1 0 arti n of tie the ear there 1 only one way to cur cure e and that thai la Is by constitution al rc meales meale is caused by au inflamed condition ot of th mucous lining ol of eustachian Eusta chlan tube vi lien ben this thin tube gets eels inflamed othave ft a rumbling i hound of imperfect hearing bearing and w when hen it la is entirely closed deafness lr in the result and the inflammation can te be out and nd this ihla tube tuba restored to 10 it t normal cot coi be arii if will be destroyed deb troyed forever nine cases out of ten len are caused by catarrh which to Is nothing but an inflamed condit condition fort of the mucous curtas we vill give one hundred Doll dollora firs for any case of deafness unused by byea catarrh that can ourel by halls catarrh cure bead for circulars tree free F J CH ehrney FN BY A CO toledo 0 sold by Dru eglaH hulls family pills are the best beat 1 I bellei e cure is the only medicine that will enre cure consumption anna anda M ross kosa williamsport Wllliam William sport pa nov NOT 12 95 FITS all 11 a stol etoi ped tree by dr lill nes great nerve restorer no ko film aeto r tt ti e daysee day days swe ute marvelous cures and 2 00 trial bottle irce free to fit cadies berid bend to lr dr kline 31 arch tit bl pa TRY tay lor for breakfast mr im CA naturally have hate a good appetite keep 1 our blood puro pure and your by ta king hood sarsaparilla tk the best beat in fact the one true blood purliler Purl fler hoods pills cure headache abe 11 tb IN what ails you hesire nave you joo a 1 I 1 of weight in the tbt sto stomach mach bloating it it aft belch i 4 vomit 1 water braidi Ile artburn J bud bad tinte taste to in the wio mouth uth la in the fittro J int in of th the heart dat it sion of j cankered mouth gas ga la in the boit boft els cis loss loi of flesh fickle appetite J emed irritable condition of the J M alad id he Bei dache conius i aaion or f I 1 then you have DYSPEPSIA to la oie eat of its nisay formal the eat D cart I 1 ur ft this complaint is ij ciders Jc Ker dyspepsia rab tablets lets by mill mail prepaid pre paid on 00 receipt of f 15 25 ceat CHARLES linta imperiel Impe rigl few 1 york says 1 I offered horribly front rom tut but ac ker after cured me 1 A C MEDICI E CO 16 86 A ig 18 abb st FOR 0 E ARE SICK or aj jutt t dont on t feel eel well ell 9 R N S 0 D PILLS I 1 L r ur oil us only one tor for a sold by at box 11 1064 tria dialler dialled llad free add i dr cr kosinko MCI co aku rs F SCHOOL FOR boys TF TERM COMME COMMENCES ivits an excellent institution beautifully situated at burlingame san mateo ateo county cal having had occasion to invest gate ente the management and methods of hoitela school we are d that for careful supervision of buys and thorough moral mental and physical training it has no superior it has fairly earned its increasing popularity larity S f evening post jam VS journal tl trot prof W 11 who makes ea I a pe ft 0 of epilepsy p be ha without fit doubt treated a and cured lid S more caicea t than h any 1 living physician ana ha buc success Is 19 astonishing W vo 0 have h aas ve heard of cages 0 of ao years year standing ama cured by 14 him H v valuably p alu abl ablis cu id I 1 work on r C j this die dl on A I 1 R ma case h 0 ith a which a do tie 0 of hi his absolute cure free 1 r but to any a sufferer at ny ebers I 1 who may send their r P F 0 6 and a express address we advise adov n v eye one 7 wishing is I 1 n a c cure u r a it to 0 a d d r e as H P E E D jarw york tork the highest claim for other A tobaccos cos is just as m good as durham old smoker knows there is none just as good as bh etim dwells L DURHAM 0 ama you will find one coupon inside each two ounce bag and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of blackwells durham buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable presents and how to get them va 1 14 iri OR one hundred and fifteen ap V years walter baker co have made cocoa and chocolate and the demand for it iii A increases every year try it and you Z 1051 will see why walter baker co ltd dorchester mass W ajr 5 J NA VA ava DRA N J RO 0 6 I 1 I 1 0 0 14 knocks out all others G 0 aa iva tom 1 WID L U C the large piece and high grade of battle ax has injured the sale of other brands of higher p prices and smaller pieces dont A allow the dealer to impose on you by saying they are just as good as battle ax for he is anxious to work off his stock P rj clr TV W y TW the very remarkable and certain niest V C D J A relief given iven woman by REVEALED REMEDY has haa given it the name of womans comans friend itle it la u g uniformly success ful the backaches headaches IF 1 0 IRO and weakness which burden and shorten a womans comans life thousands of 0 women testify for it it will give health and strength v y w and make inake life a pleasure for sale bale by all druggists JL C v J I 1 J BLUMAUER FRANK DRUG CO PORTLAND D agents GENTS WANTED WANTE late ladles or ww cullem SOOTHING I 1 I 1 MRS SYRUP swu i in every town for one ol of the best betit selling articles niile made buted bt every men man woman find and clil child fit FOR CHILDREN TEETHING sanitary jani tary tooth brush bruh with 25 let irta tongue cleaning Cl eunK attachment endorsed by all the leadlie and nd dentists send tor bam aile ret and bac WILL willa rink FINK CU CO market street san francisco cal i all ELU elst MILS FAIL 1 best beet ug cough eglit arre T jwied tea 00 buooa D J in tuna time bold by br t SURE CURE FOR PILES 0 0 ua 4 0 P DR RB SAN koa PILE REMEDY E ED H cupi P im tarr 1911 Cl rulf wat fr arl ams rn U no W dri law N P N U na |