Show has across laud or water leaving death arid and ruin behind there are no fret and worry and endless detail of investigation there Is no necessity for fixing the living iset bet about burying tile the dead and repairing the ruin which hag 1148 been wrought not since the st louis disaster have bare there been such fatalities as were attendant upon the sinking of the steamer drummond castle off the coast of france but following the lesser calamity may be expected the official investigation which to la so seldom ofle of anything but tediousness and verbosity some one blundered in a calm son soa instead of standing tar far out from a dangerous reef which was waa guarded by a lighthouse the steamer ran lit in close to the shore crashed into the rocks and sunk with passengers and in crew some one blundered but blunders are inevitable so long as man continues to be fallible they are a factor in the risks taken by bi those who go down to the sea in ships so long as mans mental condition arid and capacity are governed so largely by his physical state men to whom lives are In trusted will continue to make those blunders which so often send through the world in the case of the drummond castle there seems scorns to be no one left alive to share punishment even should the accident have merited its infliction upon some one whatever punishment was possible seems to have been visited upon officers crow crew and engers alike |