Show NOTICE the rich county democratic committee will I 1 meet beet at randolph R an in the count county y court house on the ath day of sept at 1 p ni for the purpose of settine setting time and place for holding in county convention and the e transaction of such other business as may properly eoln come before it R mckinnon chairman NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE jede Jei leliah liah 31 grant and lucy y grant his hia wife did by their certain ded of trust dated thi th i day ila v of martli marib 1891 and recorded on the ast 1st day dav of march 1891 in bo ik D pastes pages to inclusive of the rec records ads iu ill tile the office of tile ri corder of deeds of rich county i in the territory torri t tory now state of utah en cn n bev to Wil william liadi II 11 dale as trust e the following di d real estate situate in said rich county to wit south halt half of nor northwest thweat quarter and south halt hall of Nor northeast thead quarter of seeton section nini int 9 jovn Toa nhip hip eleven 11 north of range seven 7 east of salt lake meridian in all acres be tile lie sime more or lear less accor I 1 inz to Govern government mient survey Sl irvy including with tho paid eaul lan hin I 1 all tho the wat r rights which were owed ow icil by the said Jede diola 31 and lu guiv v grant at the date data of sail said deed of or which wei weep subs quent ly acquired acquire by the said jed diali 31 and lucy grant and usel use I 1 in connection with the baaij sa id lind land which salil said conveyance was made in trust to secure to tire the or ler ot of the lombard hinves ment Coni pani the payment of 0 tho said je bediali llanil M ami luy lu y grants one certain no e of even dae da e with said deed of trust for tile principal sum of six hijii ired 00 delars DI D liars lars due an I 1 payable april 1 1898 1896 w th in inen brebt act thereon froin I 1 lie data dat thereof until maturity at the rate of bl 0 o i per rent cent per annum payable semiannually semi annually and with interest th tarron reon after maturity at the rate of twelve 12 per par cent per annum payable bemi annually and who it it iq provided in said raid deed ot of trust eliat in cas ot default in the pay pa rut mi nt of s id promis iry fotr biot or the interest glicr on oil tile lie trustee stee shall upon t ahn lin eppli hp ca tion of the ippol ho homer I 1 er of 6 81 I 1 ill note ell anil and di pose of if said prem promis i 6 and all I 1 tile the ris right it title benefit and nd tv 0 0 rf demeti n of the s bijil i id jed id ia bah iah sr 7 an anil lucy grant their heirs and assigns ther in at public auction at artlie tire pl acin ein the in 11 adner and for the I 1 he purposes in 11 1 faid deed of trust after first giving th ltv 30 days notice as particularly provided lor in a ill id deed of truit 10 tt hili is hereby mado for greater certainty and whereas default hai hag been made in the payment of said pinc note of agoo at aal I 1 in tile or six six coupon interest notes of 18 each due lie Oc ocoler 1893 april 1 1894 october 1 1894 1804 april 1 abu 5 0 tobt r 1 1895 and aal april 1 1890 respectively respective lv anti anil said enid principal prin cinal cival not a alij nd interest notes are still past dile and unpaid kon theofore ther then foe fore notice is hereby civell iveli that T the undersign pd tri istee na as wore said aid at the of 0 the le al holder of s staci fla noe and under unda r unit and by virtue of tile p inver and authority in me vested liy the said deed of trust will i ill on n thurs il 1 iy ay tile ath day dav of october Oct olier 1806 1890 at al tire hour of 10 in the fore of bald day sell bell the above described property anil all i he ilie right title benefit and equity of redemption ot or the me s said aid J dedialo 31 and lucy grant their heirs an and d assigns ibri in at public auction for t the e highest and best pric tire the will w 11 bring in asti ash at etke county court cour t house bouse at randolph in the county af f rich state of utah for or tle tie tl e purpose 0 said dotes anti anil interest coup ns aud and till all ani cliffs ts and expenses of executing this trust WILLIAM II 11 DALH daie trustee first publication sept 4 1890 1896 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE Wn WHEREAS EnEAs jedediah M grant and lu y grant his wife i ife did by their certain deed ot 01 trust dated the ath day of may 1890 and recorded on tire the 8 81 ii it day of kiy 1890 1800 in book C pages 95 aso 0 to inclusive cf tire the Is in the office of the recorder of deeds of rich couney in tin the territory now nm state of utah convey to william 11 dale as m trustee trus teethe the follo ing dt described real estate situate in said rich county to wit the northwest quarter of section twenty one 21 in ton township bip eleven 11 north of range ranee seven 7 east of the salt lake 31 containing in nil all arres acres be ba the same or less according to government I 1 including wit kiili 11 tt the said land all the iv ater ter r guts agias which ez e owne I 1 by the said je jediah M I 1 and lucy grant at the date of said ded of ariit or which were sub acquired by bv the abu said jedediah M an i lucy grant an I 1 used in ili connection w i ith tile laid eaid land which sail sai I conveyance conveyance was made in i rust inist to secure to tn th ih order of tira lh lombard investment company the payment of tire the sai aai I 1 jede liah ill an 1 lucy grants one certain ct ertain promissory of even date with said d died ded ed of trust for tire the principal mim hum ul ua eighteen hundred 1800 Dull irs due and may 1 1893 with interest on fram tire date of lint annl il maturity at aith th rati rat i of six 6 per percent cent per annum payable seini an imalle and with interest therion on after matu maturity ity at the rat ot ol twelve 12 per cent per annum payable semi seini and whereas it is provided in said deed ded of trust that in cas of default in tile tho payment of said paid pr illusory nite nae or tile the in terest thereon the e snail upon tile alie application of tile alie 1 irgal gal holder of if said no note sell and dispose of said premises and all the right title benefit bent fit and equity of redemption of tia said said jedediah M and lucy grant their heirs and ns as kigns therein at public auction at the place in ilia manner and for the purposes in said died deed of stated buted alter forsi ivin thirty 30 days notice ai provi led lor in tad ded dead de d rf f trust reference to winch which is hereby made for greater eater certa in tv and whereas freieas fre reas da default has been made mada in in the payment of said principal note of 1800 find and in tile the payment of four coupon interest notes of 54 each due november may 1 1894 noveller Nov emier emLer 1 1894 an and I 1 may 1 1895 respectively and said principal noto note and c ampon interest notes are still past due an I 1 unpaid diw notice is hereby given that I 1 the un undersigner undersigned under dersi signed nd trus ce ceab a s aforesaid at the request of the legal holder of said note and under anil in by virtue of the po er anti and authority in me vested by tile said deed of trust will on thursday the ath dav ii i i ocar october ber at toe tie hour of 10 in tile ilie forenoon ol 01 said day damsell sell tile above ties des relied property prop eity and all ohp right title benefit and equity of redemption of tile said Jed jedediah Jede dinh edlah INI M anti and lucy grant their doirs and chrein th rein at public auction for the bagh st ai and it bet beat price tho sim sam will bring in vaili at the county court house at randolph in the county of rich state slate of utah for the put pose of p tying said note and and interest coup coupas ins ns and all costs and expenses B of executing this trust WILLIAM WILLI A ill n DALE trustee first publication sept 4 1896 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE WHEREAS jedediah ISI grant and lucy grunt grant his wit did by thair ir ferlain certa iii deed of fruct dated tile the eth day of 0 auguet auguar iwo 1890 and re corded on tile eth lay of august 1890 in book D pages 27 to 31 incle inclusive ave of 0 ohp th records in tie mee of tile the recorder of deeds of rich comity coi nty in ili the terr t eirv rv now slate sate of utah convry convey to lo william 11 dale na as trustee the following ife de bribed real estate situate in ill said bai 1 rich county to wit the nor beast quarter of 0 section twenty one 21 01 township elven el ven 11 north b ran range seven 7 east of ohp salt L lake ont e meridian J idi D con containing in in till one I 1 hundred n dred anti sixty acres be the same gor more 3 or less lees act aci to government I 1 gurvey incle ing w th the said eaid land all I 1 tile the N vat a t rights which were owned toy ly I 1 the aid taid t jedediah Jod edlah M 1 I and lucy grant firant at thedith th edite of said sai deed of arii trust t or which werf were subsequently acquired acquire d by tire said Jed jedadiah odiah INT and lucy grant and used in conn connection ebion with wall the said land winch which sai sail I conveyance was as made in trust to secure to tile tho order of i he lombard investment company the pa payment v of the said Jede jedediah diall M anti and lucy grants one certain pro promissory n note of even date with said deed of trust for the principal prine princ pal sum of twelve If undred 1200 dollars due and payable august 1 with interest thereon ereon from tile the data thereof until maturity at the rate of six 6 per c nt per annum payable semiannually semi annually and with inderst int erst there on after maturity at the rate of twelve 12 per cent pr annum payable semiannually and whereas it is provided in said deed of trust that in casi of default in tho the payment I 1 of said promissory promis sary note or the interest thereon the trustee shall upon the application of the legal holder oi of said note noie sell and dispose of said premises ps and all the rigl right t title benefit and equity of redemption emption ot of the said jedediah na M and lucy grant gieir heirs and assigns therein at public auction at the place in tho the manner and for tile tho purposes in said deed of 0 trust stated ater a ter first giving thirty 30 days w tice as particularly provided provid d lor for in stid deed of trust reference to which is hereby made for greater certainty and whereas dufault d fault has hag been made in the payment oi of said principal note of 1200 and in the payment of four coupon interest acts of of 36 each due february 1 1894 august 1 1894 february 1 1895 an I 1 aug august 1 1895 respectively ively and sid said principal note and coupon interest notes are still past due an and 1 unpaid now therefore notice is hereby niven given that 1 I the undersigned undersigner under signed trustee as aforesaid at thu the request of the legal holder oi of said faid note and under slid and ty by virtue of tho the power and authority in me vested by the said deed oi 01 trust will on thursday tire esth lay day of october 1896 at the hour of 10 in the forenoon of said day sell the above described prop property arty and all the rr ht title benent and equity of redemption of the said jed diah M ba and lucy grant their lifors and ass gris therein at public auction for tho th highest and iest best price the same will bring brin in cali cah at I 1 lie hie f i ont door of the county court house at randolph in the c unav of rich kich state of utah for t or the purpose of paying said note and interest coupons and all costs and expenses of executing this trust WILLIAM if DALE trustee first publication sept 4 1890 1896 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE SAL john S jones Jone sand and ellen jones ins his wife did by their con jiin deed of arii t dated tile 3rd ard day of february 1891 1801 and recorded on the ath day of february 1891 1801 in book D pages to of the re in the office of tile revor dAr of deeds 0 os rich county in ill ohp territory now B s a e or 01 utah convey to willima Willii in H dle dalp as tru trubee tee the fol bof luini 1 described real ratite st ite situate in sai kai I 1 i rich aunt to wit tin tile norh one aali 1 ali of the southeast quart r and the southwest Qi quarter larter of southeast quarter of tire est quarter of tire nor th at a t quart r of becton it fifteen 15 in town ship elven 11 north rf ef r f kange seven M 17 east of sal salt t lake meridian alarid ran united states stales survey containing I 1 in all one hundred and sixty ax ty acres be the same more orl or IB I B according to government survey including with the said land ill all tile water which were owned by the said john S and ellen jones at tile late date ot 01 said aad ilerd deed of trust or which were subsequently acquired by the said john 8 and alln jones anif and used in connection v with ith the said land which conveyance wai wag mado made in trust to secure to the order oi of tile the lombard investment company the payment 0 ottie tile said john S and ell it jones one certain promissory note of 0 even date with said deed of trust for the principal prin sum bum of six hundred humored COC dollars due and payable february 1 1896 with interest thereon froni from the late dale thereof until maturity at the rate of six 6 per rent cent per annum payable semiannually semi seini annually and with interest int irest thereon after maturity at the rate of twelve 12 per cent per annum I 1 payable semiannually semi annually and elerea Wl erea it is provided in said deed of trust chatin case of default in the payment of said promissory note or the interest the theiron eon the trustee shall upon the application of the legal holder of said note sell and dispose of said premises and all tile the title benefit and equity of redemption of th said jolin john S and ana ellen jones their heirs and assigns ti brein at public auction at the place in the manner and for tile the pur ro roes poes es in sidd deed of trust stated after first giving thirty 30 days notice as par parti ticul rul r aly y I 1 provided tor for in saia deed of trust reference to winch which is hereby made for greater certainty and whereat Wh ereah deault has been made in the lie payment of said principal note of six hundred dollars and in the payment of a coupon interest anten et note of Eie hleen dollars due clue february 1 1806 and said principal note and coupon interest are still past due anti and unpaid now therdore ther fore notice is hereby given eiven that 1 I the undersigned undersigner under signed trustee as aforesaid at the request of tile legal holder of said note anti anil under tinder md and by virtue of tup the power and authority in me vested by bv the said deed ded of 0 trust inist will on thurs day the eth dav of 0 OL october tober 1896 1806 nt at the hour of 10 in the forenoon of said day sell tile the above described property and all the right title benefit and equity of redemption of tire said john S and ellen jones their heirs and assigns a therein at public auction for the high aft t and bist bf st price the same will bring in cash at the county court house at randolph in the ilia county of rich state of utah for the purpose of paying said note and int interest orest cou coupon ilon and all costs and expenses of executing this trust WILLIAM hi DALE trustee first publication sept 4 1895 1896 down away down i go the prices of OUR ENTIRE S TOCK STOCK of bry Dry Goods shoes ROBS hem hats ID ALMI is minnett min NEET qt ity etc to etc during the week commencing A august we will close out the above mentioned goods at greatly reduced prices this we wi will 11 d do 0 in in order to open up A FINE NEW STOCK IN OUR NE NEW W BUILDING sw 8 20 as no time no produce we want cash dont miss the opportunity of your life call early in the week weel A c 1 n nr nr randolph utah NOTICE FOR publication no 2996 united states land office I 1 salt lake city august 10 1806 f noticed is is hereby given that ahn ahm following named settler has filed notice no ice of his intention to make final proof in support of |