Show WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS allied drive in italy gathers speed As german forces face encirclement aerial blows hit japs in new guineas battle lines drawn for subsidy fight figh t EDITORS NOTE when opinions opinion are expressed in these columns they hey are those of 0 western newspaper unions news analysts and not necessarily of th this s newspaper released sed by western newspaper union 19 this picturesque chapel in an american military cemetery on 01 guadalcanal Guadal canal in the solomons was designed by natives chaplains oliver olive grotefind Grote fund left of detroit mich and john oniel of boston mass are an shown conducting first service ITALY take big air base clinging stubbornly to the mountainous te terrain irain german small artillery and machine gunners slowed the progress of gen mark darks clarks advancing fifth army in the naples area the whole german line facing the fifth army however was in danger of encirclement following the british eighth ardys capture of foggia 80 miles to the northeast with the british threatening their rear the nazis could continue to hold out only so long as it would take men to cross the mountains and get behind their backs thus a slow and bloody german withdrawal up the italian mainland loomed gave a network of hir airfields fields from which they could blast southern germany and the balkans from foggia munich is miles vienna with its airplane factories miles and the oil fields of rumania miles feet in both camps with the restoration of fascism in northern italy under german auspices and th the reported e recognition of king victor Em manuels government as a partner by the allies italy apparently has stuck a foot in both camps although the U S and britain have refused to king victor accept king victor emman emmanuel el manuels emmanuela Em government as an ally they would welcome its assistance in helping throw the germans from italy and thus give it rank as a military rather than a political partner king government has been anxious to enter the allied camp as a military partner hoping that its operation cooperation co would promote better peace terms for it meanwhile benito mussolini has been active in reforming his fallen fascist regime in the north with german support the duce expects to raise an army to fight alongside of the nazis again and he has promised to abolish the monarchy and establish a republican government in which the people rather than the king would have the final voice SOUTHWEST PACIFIC ott on move again continuing gen douglas macar thurs policy of striking directly at enemy bases allied troops moved farther up the northeastern coastline of new guinea to strike at the japanese shipping port of cadang from the rear As the allied forces worked their way up the markham valley toward cadang other units bore down on Fins chafen the important sea and air base which lay encircled from three sides australian troops landed by sea to the north of df the jap base encountered bitter resistance despite heavy attacks by jap bombers more american troops were put ashore on vella lavella island in the solomons reinforcement of the U S garrison there further tightened the noose around the last jap holding of island in the area DRAFT eye U S employees with sen burton K wheelers bill for the deferment of fathers doomed sen josiah bailey proposed another measure which would require the induction of all draft age single or childless married men now on the government payroll who did not switch to essential work senator baileys sen josiah bill also provided bailey for the transfer of arl all physically fit army and navy commissioned officers between 18 and 38 years of age from noncombatant duty in washington ington D C to actual fighting in recent testimony before congressional committees it was estimated that approximately single and childless married men were on the government payroll opponents of the dads draft insist that all eligible men from this group should be taken by the services before fathers are called A bill drawn by sen robert hobert taft would first draft all dads under 30 years of aie age workers seeded needed declaring that in 1943 the civilian employment has remained below the level reached last year by 1300 the ardys industrial personnel director james P mitchell said the nation was faced with increasing the efficiency of the present labor force or of drafting workers from nonessential non essential to essential occupations manpower is poorly distributed mitchell said so that while there is adequate labor throughout the country there are acute shortages in some areas and surpluses in others mitchell urged that more consideration be given to the employment of women stating that they compose the chief source of manpower remaining in the nation SUBSIDIES 4 fight Is on the battle is on with these words the american farm bureau president edward A oneal declared that agricultural organizations would back up the congressional farm blocs opposition to 31 1 subsidies for the decrease of consumer food costs the battle lines were drawn following reports that efforts edward A would be made oneal to increase the commodity credit corporations po rations operating fund by at least million dollars to continue the crop loan program and initiate subsidy payments to producers particularly ticul arly to vegetable growers authority also would be sought to allow the to resell produce at a loss strong criticism was directed in congress at the governments announced plan for subsidizing dairymen between 25 and 50 cents per hundred pounds of milk for increased feed costs it was felt prices should be determined by production costs |