Show owen Wah latrom receives commission in air force aviation cadet owen willard son of mr and mrs N C wahl ilroy rom of laketown Lake LaRe town is a member of class of student officers and aviation L n cadets recently graduated gradual ed from the army air forces advanced flying school at yuma arizona the graduates I 1 were coin commissioned ii hii a as second lieutenants and flight officers in the army of the united states and were given the coveted silver wings symbolic 0 athe aeronautical rating of a pilot they have been placed on active duly daiy in their new rank with the army air forces before entering the final and advanced training course at yuma army air field lt completed his primary and basic training at cal acco flight academy ontario calif and merced army flying school merced calif he attended north rich high school laketown Lake town and utah state agricultural college his brother norman a captain is also in the air corps |