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Show THE RICH COUNTY REAPER, RANDOLPH. UTAH OUR COMIC SECTION m Autumn Millinery Is Smartly and Be-Feather- Be-Plum- ed ed By CHERIE NICHOLAS IT OR autumn and the coming win- ter its feathers that are staging the big show in the millinery realm. As successors to the enchanting .. flower fantasies that held the center .... ..S.. A of the stage throughout the spring this little hat that carries a conand summer months comes now a vincing thoroughbred air about it, a colorful pageantry of smartly stunning effect is achieved with a and headgear feather technique that introduces a that make flattery and charm their balanced via twin birds theme as dramatically and as suc- in rust andtrimmingwith tail feathers green cessfully as did the ravishing little of handsome coque that gracesweep flower chapeaux in the summery fully to either side, dropping down past. at the back of the head to follow The new feathered hat fashions the lines of the coiffure. bespeak every mood from demure The ostrich trimmed hats here and conservative felts, such as the shown hint of a future of besailors, the medium brim shapes, guiling give confections that will be worn the turbans, toques and little pillbox when you want to look your prettiest effects which women seek to wear for the man in uniform, at gala with their practical daytime tailored occasions during his to outfits, saucy berets and calots of a Romstay. that reach high drama via spectacu- ney portrait Reminiscent is the charming rose lar quills thrust through at a star- velvet bonnetlike hat to the tling angle or sweeps of coque or left) with soft pale (below ostrich gray pheasant feathers. For dinner and feathers curling lightly around to date and other gala occasions, mil- frame the face. liners are turning out beguiling creThe bewitching little ostrich hat ations prettified with ostrich whim- in pastels pictured above to the sies and picturesque plumage that right youll agree makes a charmmakes for utmost eye appeal. successor to the gay flower ing Smart is the feather-trimme-d felt modes of yore. It is the very type shown above to the left in the pic- you will be wanting to wear with ture. This hat by Erik is modeled your black daytime or short dressy after the headgear of a French of- evening dresses. The color scheme ficer and is inspired by the spirit shades from chartreuse to olive of a free France. It has the typical accented with American green, high crown and small brim and is beauty velvet bows. It has a protrimmed with a tower of glistening vocative over one eye and an dip coque. Stunning to wear with your upward sweep that exposes the coiffall tailleur or the offure on the opposite side. ficer coat. of the new headdress hats An autumn favorite for shopping, asMany are look from the they luncheons and club affairs is the front view as called, if visored suit hat of russet felt, as feathers worn inmerely a cluster of the hair. These illustrated below to the right. For styles look stunning with classically simple dinner gowns. An excitingly new trend is seen in sleek headfitting little felt bonnets that fit as snug as a baby cap. Sometimes these youthful bonnet shapes are done in velvet. The newest trim is seen in clusters of wee ostrich tips or soft feathers, placed Chinese fashion over each ear. Jv. . 'AV AVAVMA . .V. V.'! . .C' ed home-on-furlou- new-fashi- on Released by Western Newspaper Union. Radiant Reds Take Fancy of Younger Set Again red triumphs on the fall and winter color card. The reds are of the brightest radiant sort. Just now the young set and even those not so young are clamoring for red coats done in flannel or tweeds and variously coats to styled, from officer-typ-e short toppers. Every young girl feels the urge for a red jumper dress to be worn with either the lingerie blouse or with a gay plaid waist. The bright red dickey is liked with the tailored suits, and often hats and bags in red are made to match. Tis said that there has never been such a long and continued stretch of popularity for red as keeps registering on and on from several seasons back. on A Bit Rattled, at That There had been a little fire in a small hotel, and everyone had come running out in bathrobes and whatnot. One guest joined the group watching the blaze and kidded them on their excitement. Why, there was nothing to be excited about, he remarked. I took my time dressing, lit a cigarette, didnt like the knot in my necktie, so tied it over again thats how cool I was. Swell, er, commented a Could Be Lawyer Now, you still maintain that this man is the man you saw stealing the tires off your car? Plaintiff After arguing with for the last hour, I dont believeyouI This ever had any tires on my car. blouse and pleated skirt in atopper style y named is destined to Good Boy! become a favorite with juniors. It Mother Im glad youre being a is made of a flannel Billy When my father was in good boy and not and is finely textured with a disturbing daddy California, he saw a g while he sleeps. cashmere finish. The fabriclight is shark. Junior-Y- es, woven with spun rayon and wool in watchIm mummy, Tommy Some people eat any ing the cigarette bum down to his yellow plaided with red. The colkind of fish these days. lar and cuffs are of white fingers. button-down-the-ba- ck Bead Buttons. Sissy-Miss- plaid-pattern- -- man-eatin- bystand- but why didnt you put your pants on? WAR DIET ed With so much beadwork being done on dresses, comes the call for buttons that time to the scheme of things. This season you will see buttons in wide use. That is, the buttons of fabric are beaded to match the beadwork bead-cover- ed all-ov- er on the dress. |