Show paper money wears out in short time the life of a dollar bill is inden shorter than it was a few years ago and the difference Is sald said to be due to its frequent passage through the hands of the individuals at the roadside tilling station this wits was determine by government officials by circulating 50 1 bills with a request attached that each spender indorse on the slip what lie ho spent it for and that the person holding the bill after the tenth endorsement indorsement Indor should return it 11 to the Atner american lean motorists association headquarters at washington the 50 bills were circulated in 10 cities with the result that out of SO bills returned containing indorsements endorsements Indor 53 of the I 1 endorsements indorsements Indor n dor indicated that the bill had been spent by a motorist for gas or oll oil the size of the new bills about to be issued will tend to lengthen their life and also the fact that the paper used will ha be oil proof to a certain extent |