Show ROUGHAGE IN DAIRY RATION CUTS COST OF production many ganv dairymen in their effort to the production per cow have the habit of fee feeding din too much aluch grain anian feed says Ys 0 E reed chief of the bu apau of dalry dairy industry of the united g stated tate 4 department of agriculture more mor net profit per cow eab can be made nind pill soma conditions he says by feeding a limited araan ration nr dpn a i ration in prefer pur P toa to a full grain drain ration to demon demonstrate strata this statement mr reed otes cites the results of an experiment by bi the bureau at huntley mont in this experiment three planes of feeding were compared ten cowa cow were wen fed over a 3 year period on each of the following rations for one year 1 roughage alone con al stina J 0 of corn silage roots alfalfa hay ta and I 1 irrigated pasture for another year 2 the same hages find and a limited grain ration of I 1 pound of grain mixture to each 6 0 pounds of milk produced and for still another year 3 the same rough ages and a full grain ration of I 1 pound of grain to dzien 3 pounds of milk produced on the first ration when production was alured to a maturity the cows averaged pounds of butters fat fait on the alemond ration pounds and on the third GIOS 1 pounds at the prevailing prices for feed and for milk and butterfat the returns over cost of feed were per cow on the first drat ration on the second and on the third the limited grain ration was th therefore re the most profitable with willi roughage close second |