Show to put on needed flesh to enrich P the blood take dr pierces golden medical discovery by restoring the normal action of the stomach and other deranged organs and functions it builds the flesh up to a safe ani and healthy standard promptly pleasantly and naturally the weak emaciated thin pale and puny are made strong plump round rosy and robust also pimples les and bt blotcher blotches blot 0 ches are arc driven awa away Y ati all drug druggists fists liquid and tablets reid this comment 1 I hid had gastric stomach trouble and would be terribly du there we were re only y just wt certain foods I 1 could tat cat without au having av n on one of these bid bad I 1 w was s we weak and never felt good but or dr tierce pierces golden medical e cical discovery relieved roe me 1 I can tit cat almost anything without dis distress tr M mr ts mary allton reeves ave lokden utah send loc for trial plair k to dr pierces Pierc cs invalids hotel ab buffalo N Y fa atin WU 11 FRIEND IN E E D mother and daughter praise vegetable compound bohnson city N X Y pima my daughter was only 20 years old but for or two years she sha worked in misery she bho was all rundown run down nervous had bad aches and j pains and no appetite I 1 was taking lydia E U Pink hams vegetable compound with good results so co sho she decided to try it be foro fore she had taken two bottles her ap I 1 petite was better she was more cheerful and was able to work I 1 cannot praise your medicine too highly highly it Is wonderful for mothers and tor for daughters its surely a friend in need mas L E IIA HAIA M floral avenue bohnson city N Y 1 i 2131 nil 0 dal 12 all P FITI ciol 01 q i SUR in HOTEL newhouse SALT LAKE CITY UT UTAH all one ot of salt inke city rnett kneet hotels hotd where guests euerta find very every comfort a warm hospital ity garage in connection cafe caf and nd cafeteria goo me EACH WITH INITH BATH to write for it URTON SEED 1500 mararet t denver colo J 0 3 or e easily asil yand anc I 1 f q quickly u bickly demov removed edwith with 9 out knife knifa or firing iron absorbing Abs reduces them permanently and leaves no blemishes will not blister or of remove this the mr hair horsa hone worked during treatment at ajo postpaid horse horsa book GS G S sarea freta hid rr na now sir all con I 1 would not h ht that coom tk nw it awold cj I 1 ABSon BristE co SAME prescription HE WROTE IN 8 when dr caldwell started to practice medicine back in 1815 the needs lor a laxative were not as aa great as way today P people I 1 lived normal lives ato ate plain wholesome ome food and got plenty of fresh air but even that cany car y t there ere were drastic physics and burtes purges for the relief of constipation which dr r caldwell did not believe were good for human beings the prescription for constipation that ho he use faed early in his hia practice and which he put in drug stores in 1892 under the name of dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin is a liquid vegetable rc remedy medy intended for women children and d elderly keople people and they need just such a rail mild ii eafe aie bowel stimulant this prescription hw hs proven its ditsworth worth and is now the largest selling liquid laxative it has haa won the confidence of people who needed it boget to get relief from headaches biliousness flatulence indigestion loss of ap appetite petitA and sleep bad breath dyspepsia colds fevers at your d druggist rug gist or write syrup felsin dept BD BB monticello illinois for free trial bottle bonife henith health ga diving V in BB A il AU winter long cai cuarto te good hotels touret r or camp roads gorgeous mountain views the derau resort of th write writ aped cr a chaffy chaffey alisa california K 7 T in 0 V Z N t ft 71 ar Z Z i X t F you ever have lumbago or other pains that penetrate to the very bones and 4 join t S bayer aspirin offers quick relief and such complete comfort that its folly to suffer keep these tablets handy in v the house and carry them in your pocket then yeti need never suffer long from any attack of neuralgia neuritis rheumatic rheu matis M or even f rom a bad headache bayer aspirin is a marvelous antidote abr all pain and tia no effect on the heart proven directions for many va leable uses in ev r y box of genuine baye aspirin all druggists to tt W na oak uk 02 t vain OC C a a 1 |