Show etha P COW NEEDS CARE IN WINTER TIME much of feed given animal goes for warmth extra feed cannot be substituted for aelter for the comfortable cow Is the profitable cow when the animals tire exposed to wintry winds and rains machof anch of the feed goes to keep the bodies warm instead of to produce milk therefore some effort should be anade to keep the dairy cows comfortable during perl periods oils of disagreeable weather says john A arey dairy extension specialist at the north carolina carolina state college their stalls should be well lighted and properly ventilated but free from air currents ventilation Is important but should be so arranged as to prevent the air currents from striking the cows body tills this Is accomplished by making the sides of the barn or cow shed tight and admitting fresh air through properly arranged windows mr arey states that the practice of requiring the cow to wade through gli mud and fee dee some distance to get drinking water Is too common and too expensive in the dairy industry such needless exposure chills the animal and prevents her from drinking the amount of water that she normally WO would uld consume normal milk says mr air arey contains 87 por per cent water and a cow producing around 30 pounds of milk dally daily will need froni from sa 85 to 00 pounds of water each day she will not drink tills this much on ti it cold day unless tile the supply Is convenient and not too cold the dairy cow cov of high producing breeds Is h creature of habit unusual treatment makes her nervous if slie 1 Is accustomed to a regular routine of feeding and care a change from froin this system will make her nervous and distrustful she should never be run with horses or dogs nor treated roughly while being put in a barn no other farm animal says mr arey will give greater returns for good care than the cow and the herdsman ww who keeps kaep i his animals comfortable in winter will be amply repaid |