Show kindergarten bill before legislature house no 82 by clercy ts Is sponsored by tile the utah state kinde association back backed pi by the va caunt kent treacle 0 AsuA latton klie daughters of the pioneers Plo the ille U E al 11 A Sect section loll and the salt lake federation of lubor labor these organizations fuel feel it law providing tor for kind kindergarten oie pItI petition tIon of pinc ent enesi 4 should be passed because 1 only a small proportion of tit the children chil dien of this mate tire nrc having the advantages of ea early aly train ing 2 A v IL law lu provides provide 4 for local option it does docs not foree kindergarten upon any ty but makes it easler easier tor for parents to obtain this educational advantage for their when they so iso desile to do so 3 in no state where thi type ut of luw Is in force liaa has the exten Aon of tit the been tho law lian han lit in it a grai gradual lual und and orderly increase in III the oie number ol of classes class cs provided 4 dutilly utilizing fiig the years between four and six wn wh it the s ire of no economic value to their families Is ino means of provid providing his additional schooling for those of the alie very poor who are to become bread whiner 4 at it a very ery early age P statistics show th at in hi tile aver diw go city of the united ignited states one in ili four repents repeats the first school year icara work which proves concel give ly iv that thi the airet grade noes loes not meet tile the need of the little denlid who has ha filst left ills his homo home environment tit alie bi N i nil an investment which will bahi large laike returns to the state 1 li v y preventing retardation lation 0 the legislators of eleven other stute have I ien been en of the wisdom of this legi unit and have enacted petition kinder kindergarten gartin laws 7 california lias had such midi a law hince 1143 and comie quence has ad front from aduth to first place among ainone the states khater lit in provid lii kindea baiten arten edde ution for its children 8 will C wood for many years cars apoate lita te of in in has suld suid ali that it th the k rg arten law of his ht tate lh juis pr proved ovil to holh t airily ers and e edu catoiA i 9 I 1 i iv ily I 1 reducing tile hie vilon norino nolis iiA now spent upon tipon our conr criminal alasso las ilas i largely the rei alt of child 1 I bood the vill eventual ly y pay for itself I 1 utah ranks twenty sec ond compared with the other states in the nation its 4 have do demonstrated m to tile the nation that they know the value of of early training during dm ans this last year beur they have led file nation hon in III effort put forth to oh ob baill for their littly dittli children they realize that it is the character age tind and that truth honesty temperance teni perance fairness fal charity and self control have to be learned parn as well a va other th ahillas illas the pal of this state abow ask thi llie ninin bers of this dekl now i 1 session it to mako make it tto poi slbil sl bIp for them hem to kindergarten kindera arten I 1 ioni for their children |