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Show HI f 'tKD' saBifl.ig'a.fegcwawBWBSPiiimmrAgsaigaag fr An Independent Newspaper Devoted To The Interests Of The People Ot Rich County and Lower Bear River Valley Volume 1, Number 2 Randolph, Utah, Friday, February CIVIL LEGION Kindergarten Bill i.O Before Legislature House Bill No. 82 by Fiercy is sponsored by the Utah State Kinde-sarteAssociation, backed by the m I'alcnt-Teachet- the Asoiation. fe Daughters of the Pioneers, the U. E. A Kindergarten Section, and the Salt Lake Federation of Labor. These or- ganizations feel that a law providing for kindergarten oi t petition of parent s should be passed, because, 1. Only a small proportion of the rhildien of this state are having the advantages of early systematic traini- ng. 2. A manadatoiy-on-petitialaw provides for local option. It does not force kindergarten upon any communi ,ty but makes it easier for parents to obtain this educational advantage for their children when they so desire ni v to do so. In no state where this type of law is in force has the extension of the kindergarten been precipitant. 4The law has resuitrd in a gradual and 3. orderly increase in the number of classes provided. 4. Utilizing the years between four and six, wm the children's services are of no economic value to their families,' is the most logical means of providing additional schooling for those of the very poor who are forced to become at a very early age. Statistics show that in the aver age city of the United States one child in four repeats the first school year's work, which proves conclusive ly that the first grade does not meet the need of the little cnild who has jnst left his home environment. The kindergarten1 is an investment which will bring large returns to the stale by preventing retardation. 5. The legislators of eleven other states have hen convinced of the wisdom . of this legislation and have enacted petition ' kindergarten laws. 7. California liasi had such a law since 1SJ13 and consequence has advanced from ninth to first place among the states in providing kindergarten education for its children. 8. Will C. Wood, for many years State Superintendent of Public - Instruction in California, has said that the kindergarten law of his state lias r proved satisfactory to hoth taxpay- ers and educator !. P.y reducing the enormous sunn now spent upon our criminal classes largely the result of neglected child hood the kindergarten will eventual ly pay for itseif. Although Utah ranks ' twenty-secon- d compared with the other states in the nation, its mothers have demonstrated to the nation that they know the value of early training. During this last year they have led the nation in effort put forth to obtain kindergartens for fheir little children. They realize that it is the eharn age and that truth, honesty, temperance, fairness, charihave to be learnty. and ed as well as other things. The parents of this state now ask the members of this Legislature now session to make it possible for them to obtain kindergarten tioni for their children. rs ' . . eter-fo-rmin- g self-contr- ol -- oo- meeting will be held at the Relief the R. H. Society house to A at 2:30 p. m. Thursday, Feb. 21. who are interested in becoming members will please remember the date as we want a real live organization. E. club All oo Subscribe now! The paper only costs $2.00 per year in advance, and we are here to stay. S. R. H. S. To The Taxpayers More News On A new force for good in our Country i3 now in the making. Members of the war time Draft Boards, Four It being the desire of your commisMinute Men, Liberty Loan Campaign sioners that you shall know the purpose ers, War Preparedness Boards and for which your money is spent, we are others who in authorized civil capa- taking this opportunity of discussing cities, served the National Cause with you through the columns of The during the World War, have organ- Rich County Reaper, the proposed road from the Bear River valley to Ogden ized the Civil Legion. War Governors, over the Monte Cristo divide. Forty surviving This idea is not new, having been Judge Frank Comerford of Chicago, Hon. Joseph T. Cashman of New discussed for many years, and over this York and Col. Charles R. Wilson of period has friends and opponents. The Huntington, West Virginia, Past National Presidents, comprise the National Executive Committee. The prime purpose of The Civil Legion is to create an organisation for future National service and in so doing build a monument, more enduring tliani granite, as a testimonial to those who served in civilian capacities during the World War and because of age limit, essential Indnst-ror occupation, or other disqualifying factors were denied the privilege of wearing the uniform. The Civil Legion is the answer to the boy who asks his father, ' Say the Dud, what do you do during War? The other kids ask me this question. It will be to its members what The American Legion is to the v To perpetuate the old associations, to assemble the records of the Second Army of the Republic the Home Flank the officers and members of Thp Civil Legion are oommitteed. Seeking no bonus, no compensation recognition other than the recogthis new nition due real service tore in' America gives great promise of accomplishing much to he desired by the citizens of the United States. Objective of The Civil Legion First Reconstruction of the old Selective Service Boards with all organizations. necessary Thus, the National Defense Act of r.he Country is given an organization is essential to it, as is the Organized Reserve to the Aimy. There cost to the Government for this auxiliary to Preparedness. National Census', By Registration Second Profiting by the- - exj)erien-ee- s of the plan of registration for Military duty, during the World War. The Civil Legion, is urging Members of the Congres. f....the United "States,' 'to adopt theplan of registration instead of canvass, ih the taking of the next decennial census. A few days will suffice under the proposed scheme of registration for baking the National Census, inthat are stead of the months required by the obsolete plan of canvassing. witli cards Third Registration. tor National indenti neat ion will be a cheek on those that seek' to destroy, what all good citizens vih to upwill be hold the law. Registration an effective agency in strengthening the Selective immigration policy of the Government. Exercise for the Dead Fourth Col. Charles R. Wilson, Past National President of the Civil Legion advocates the calling of a fives of all conference of repre.-pntpatriotic organizations, that an agree ment lie entered into, for the abandonment of the archaic program of Cemeterial observances on Memorial Dav. Instead of many groups visiting cemeteries on Memorial Day and a each grave seeking group here and there, for flag and floral representing offering, that a group visit each ail soldier organizations cemetery and there a military program, with firim; Squad, sjieakeia and taps by huglersi will bo for all who merit the respect An apothof a grateful citizqnry. ecaries scale should mot lie used in the weighing of respect to the dead. The person who in life had" the' ad-- ! , a I Bank of Randolph Water Situation . no can-ducte- The faculty presented the play, The Whole Town is Talking, at Woodruff Thursday and at Randolph Wednesday. Quite large crowds attended in spite of the cold weather. We are sure The Whole Town is Following is a letter from the Utah State Board of Health and con Talking now. corns the investigation made here II. Robinson was a High some time ago: George Salt Lake City, Utah. School visitor last week. Hon. President and Town Trustees, The High School) and especially Randolph, Utah. the basketball boys were greatly dis- Gentlemen : nature of this terrain through which when Cokevilie couldnt ATTENTION : HON. J. O. REX, this road must pass and the probable ex- appointed come to play basket bali. They will PRESIDENT. cessive cost of construction have been come at a later date. After an investigation of the water the chief factors against this route. in Randolph the following situation in recent universal However, years the A special assembly was given report is submitted to the city for use of the motor car has, with the desire to go straight and quickly Tuesday, 12th., in honor of Lincolns immediate consideration : from place to place, aroused a new in- Birthday. The program was given by The present water supply used in terest in this direct connection between the public speaking calss under the the city is derived from individual our neighbors on the East and West. direction of Miss Kearl. of bacteriological wells. The results These neighbors are eloquent in their of samples collected from analyses To our great astonishment we have soma of these wells show that the praise of Bear River valley and have invited our cooperation with such insis- discovered a great poetical and musi- well water is of questionable purity, cal talent in two of ir blooming and tence that we have consented to may at any time cause typhoid the question and examine the project young lassies, the Prima Donna and fever or some other intestinal disthe Mary Maid. Their voices have order. Disease germs are so small carefully. not to yet reached the point of excel- that they cannot be seen with the an from invitation the Responding commissioners of Weber County and lency, but we hope they will in the naked eye and thousands may tie the Ogden Chamber of Commerce sec- future. lurking in a glass of water or a parHere is their latest song: onded by the Lions Club of Kemmerer, ticle of waste matter. Miss Kearl stoodi on the porch, your board sent representatives to meet the health of the Safeguarding with them, hear their plans and learn And she was half undressed, be should the first considerapeople what aid they might extend Rich county For Sol gave the signal tion of the citizens when considering in this thing. We found these men very And Peg had done the rest." a water supply. An adequate water friendly and very anxious to connect of is not sufficient supply with this upper county with a good highU. Frank Frazier was a school water may be availbale, butPlenty unless it way. Weber county has its problem isitor Tuesday, 12th. is pure it will be a menace to health. near solution. The survey being pracNo other utility does more to protically completed to the Weber-Ric- h line at Monte Cristo and the main part theThe tryouts were held Monday for mote the health of man and the proThe Nautical Knot gress of the city than a safe and adOperetta, of a fine highway ready for traffic. They Mrs. M. S. Reay, The were, Judges assured us that they can and will com- Mrs. R. equate water supply. D. and Mrs, George Wil Law, plete their construction in ample time on. Purity of the water supply should to meet us. Mr. Finch representing be the first consideration of the comthe National Government, assured the The decisions were as follows: munity, although this fact is frequent Elgie Moss ly not realized until sickness or cooperation of the Forest Service in Julian Elmer Moss death visits the home. Sometimes building across their own lands and the Barnabus .1 Ira Muir when, the matter of improved health general friendliness of his bureau in the Joe Marie Bullock and lowered death rate is brought up development of these isolated areas of Nance West. Bill Sait Keith Jessop people intimate that they are satisThese assurances reduced the problem Delia Audrey Kekinedy fied with their health records as they to that portion lying in Rich County. We Dora ... Dorothy Rees are. While they mav not have had Eunice Smith pleaded our financial inability to build Daisy typhoid fever they are always exand maintain the large number of miles Jack Walter Marshall posed to it. It isnt customary to of roads we have. We suggested that Jim Wilson Norris wait for a disastrous typhoid epithe State Road Commissioners be called Ned Ben Res demic before installing a public into the discussion, which was done. water system. We sitrongly urge tlrat Chairman Blood and Preston Peterson The School Orchestra will give a the city officials take whatever accourteously came to Ogden and outlined dance Thurs. 14., at the school house tion is necessary in proceeding to their road policy especially as concerns for the High School students. The safe and adequate public install a these outlying counties. They ..stated orchestra is directed by Miss- Mary briefly the contention of the more cen- Wooziey. The members of which are water system. The comfort and convenience of a tral wealthier counties that too much as follows : The of the fund available for construction water system is ineistimabre. Piano Kennedy is relieved by home and maintainance of state highways was Audrey the in drudgery Mildred Cox Violftn a piped water supply, which being spent in the less populace regions George- - South Trumpet having remote from the source of this fund, Keith becomes a servant ready to answer Jessop Trumpet however, they consented to advance efvery caij. including fire protection Barton .....Trumpet and money in an equal amount to that which Kay bodily cleanliness. The small anMarvin Drums Frazier which we would provide in our county, nual payments required to provide Saxaphone for this new highway and all of our state Wilson Norris water are as nothing compared pure Saxaphone to the health protection roads within the county. This offer was Lamar Stuart and the con00 extended to cover costs of a survey and the long run In veniences buy. they NOTICE OF MEETING your representatives agreed that Rich the savings made in a community County would pay 50 per cent of it so that will repay the cost many times over. the mostfeasable route might be selectCounty Agent W. R. Smith will be The question is not Can we afford ed and some basis for an estimate of the at Randolph, February 21 and 22 for the A community the size of Ranit? cost be had. We reserved the right should jurpose of organizing a Farm Bureau. dolph cannot afford to continue- withthe cost of construction be excessive, to There will also be a meeting for out a public water system. It is far withdraw from the project. to invest in permanent imAll things being fairly equal, we favor Speakers from Salt Lake will be in cheaper provements which insure good health a route through Woodruff so that the attendance. Everyone invited. than to pay a Disease and Death bulk of the taxpayers of the South and of 00 Tax. the county shall have an equal opportunSecond-han- d for sale. Enquire a The first step in establishing ity to use it. The North end having the of Mrs. Williamrange Nichols. fine scenic road over the divide from Garwaterworks system is to get a preden City to Logan, we feel that all our liminary reort on the construction work from a reliable and competent people will have good ways available for intercourse with our beautiful lower engineer, or from a firm of engineers. Utah valleys. This is customarily paid for from the current! funds of the community. The Signed: Lawrence B. Johnson engineers draw up the plans, speciRoyal Pope fications and contracts, and during M. V. Eastman LOOK WHAT IS HERE, the actual work supervise the construction. Good engineers are known b their records of achievements and rank of wealth, distinction, vantage Some fine young Toms that personal experience. or opportunity, belongs on Memorta Yours very truly, will weight from 20 to 25 lbs., of Grand the to day Demoqray BOARD OF HEALTH UTAH STATE from famous the Bank Golden No or child Death. mother, father Xi. H. MALE, shall leave a Memorial Day Ceme- strain, from Bird Brothers, Engineer- Sanitary of feel and the Observance sting tery Meyersdale, Pa. If you are 00 sljght. looking for a young Tom you Walter Norris, sr., is now improve For the Soldiers in Camp beat First them. come after having been on the sick cant ing be had from lesson A Fifth may list for some time. first served. experiences during the World Warz 00 The United States Government should at Evanston. Dance case of another National Big Holiday plan that in Emergency, the health, comfort and FRANKU. FRAZIER & SONS Washingtons Birthday, Feb. 22. MuBest sic by Smuins Night Hawks recreation of men in the unifrom of Woodruff - - - - - Utah in the West" the Country, will be properly guarded and provided for by the Government itself. The many organizations that collected millions, employed thousands!, competed with each other duplicated and overlapped activities in many cases, serfed to a great degree satisfactorily and were justified GEORGE BARKER, Proprietor in their activities, because of failure of the Government to have the reSATURDAY, February 16th quired machinery necessary to function. DENNY REGINALD in the biggest laugh ever staged in a All of the War work of the Red Mission Gospel Cross, the Y, Salvation Army, K, ' GOOD MORNING JUDGE of C., Jewish Welfare and other like organizations , is part of the duty of Collegian Comedy the Government ana should not be to or any organization delegated Admission 10c and 30c group of individuals. Sixth Disasters such as MississipSUNDAY, February 17th pi floods, Florida tidal waves. Porto Rican hurricanes and the like should DOMESTIC RELATIONS be anticipated by sneciai appropna A story of modem marriage and some of its dire results tion disbursed by the War Department. Comedy, Flirty Four Flusher re-op- en - bread-winne- $2.00 Per Year In Advance 15, 1929 d . - - Wool-grower- s. Turkey Raisers KOZY THEATRE 4 per cent paid on Savings Accounts Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent , v Chas. W. Walton, Cashier Admission 10 and 25 Dr. M, S, Reay and Stanley Wilson of Randolph are members of the Civi Legion. . V I |