Show NEWS OF A WEE CONDENSED FORM RECORD RECORD OP OF THE IMPORTANT EVENTS TOLD IN BRIEFEST MANNER POSSIBLE that are making hitter information gathered from all quarter tirs of the globe and given in a few lines line intermountain edith seman tho 2 year old laughter daughter of if IV W semen seman of 0 denver found a bottlo bottle containing carbolic acid while playing and drank the contents dying within a few minutes other children playing near hir her sought to take the bottle away from hor but she he ran behind a chair anil and drank the poison before they could reach her january floods which put the nevada division of the salt lake railroad out of commission has cost that system a tour four years contract with the government for the transportation of transcontinental malls the estimated value of this cont contract raef was i ann annually u ally believing that certain rays raya of 0 the xray X ray machine may care cure leprosy dr H stover a denver physician has walled for hawaii with the intention ot of making mailing experiments at the leper colony at molokai Mol okal dr stover took with him a small but especially constructed ted apparatus supplied with a new feature of his own invention tow ewing whose mind has been affected tor for some time committed suicide at ophir utah deliberately pro pre paring a charge of 0 dynamite lighting tha fuse and blowing himself up lit four million acres of land depre iKa enUng 2 per e 1 l cent ot of all forest to e an AM a lecla utah and other intermountain states will be b restored to the public domain the result of an order issued by president taft with military precision and without he least disorder the children ind and tea teachers here of the centennial echo school 01 in trinidad c colo mar marched cried from the building when a fire broke out in the basement justice william kerr of pueblo in sentencing antone antona hime atme toe for beating his als wife said bald if I 1 ever hear or of you doing ills again after you get out of lall all I 1 will personally lead a party ol of men who are men and tie you to a telegraph pole and beat you to death DOMESTIC A lone one robber held up the cashier and two patrons in a bank at san bernardino cal and got away with a tray 0 of gold amounting to about 1000 george ebeling has pleaded guilty to having taken part in the robbery of df a passenger train near eureka mo on en the night of january 21 and implicate IV W lowe james lowe and 3 8 IV emmerson who are in jail S T Lock lockhard bard stabbed and killed his friend carleton swinney at groveton Bro Dro texas when the latter while temporarily insane broke into the home of the former Lock lockhard liard thought hla his friend was a burglar charges that certain of the insiders in the wells fargo company snowing mowing in advance that tile the per tent melon would be cut had tricked out of 0 their holdings will be laid before the interstate co corn mercy merce commission in new I 1 on friday howard little who murdered sirs mrs bessie jostle her son in law geor george geore e Alea meadows dows and his wife a abid ahr three ee rh children ildren in their home near hear hurley buchanan Du chanan county last september was put to dech by electrocution in the penitentiary at richmond va february 11 A verdict of said to be the largest ei rea reail ered derea lit in an alienation suit has been awarded to mrs chas C II Il endrick ot of brooklyn against laura biggar former actress accused of alienating the affections of 31 sirs rs If endricks divorced husband dr chas C kendrick lck dr D C alyde has been arrested ar on the charge of 0 having murdered colonel thomas 11 II swope the kansas city millionaire philanthropist after a coroners jury had decided that swope came to his death as a result of poisoning glyds is the hits husband band of the late millionaires niece oliver convicted at t new york of conspiracy piracy to defraud the government in the sugar weighing cases and sentenced to two years imprisonment declares ho he has been made a by the sugar trust which had hounded and ruined him film after twenty nine years ot of faithful service peace haa been declared between the shirt waist of 0 philadelphia adelphia la and their striking employed emp loyes layes tho the girls winning a substantial victory shorter hours and recognition of their union the tha village of lakeland fla 1 a has haa be been a wrecked by a hurri hurricane cark tv twenty eaty five five persons persona being injured and a number ot of house honwea demolished in a pitched battle between whites and negroes at isales bar ionn no three negroes were shot to de death lit h one was wad daddy baker a negro preacher and ringleader ot of the black rioters after aft two weeks of 0 the thirty days maycott nieam laycott lwy cott to la pittsburg the prices orni eat continue to rise i MUs beatrice snyder of I 1 Dut buffalo talo N y c committed 0 ram bitted suicide by w wading a aln into th tha river and being swept over niagara falls iler her intention was not discovered by several witnesses to the tragedy ady until it was too late to save her colonel thomas 11 swope the kansas city millionaire came to hta his death by reason ot of strychnine administered in a capsule by dr B C hyde de husband biot t the millionaires niece according to the verdict ot of the coroners coron erB jury in independence mo to washington the senate and house have practically decided that a court ot of law has haa not tho the power to summon before it a committee of congress tho the decision being based on tile tha plea of the constitutional prerogatives of members ot ol g gresa res s on con contributing cause to the high meat according to a report or 01 ali the department of commerce and labor laboris ls the fact that livestock receipts tor for the year 1909 at seven leading interior markets of the united states were the lowest since attic a 1904 commander robert E peary discoverer of the north pole will not be given the rank of rear admiral in the navy as proposed in recognition for or his services si as an explorer it congress approves the action of the committee subcommittee sub of the khe house comal committee atee oli on 1 naval affairs aff alra waterway projects throughout the country at a cost ot of ot of which w 30 to la for continuing contracts tra acts are provided for in the rivers and harbors appropriation bill reported d to the tha house bouse by the committee on rivers and harbors harbor ra ts vaia v re 1 elating the traffic in immoral alien women has haa been approved by the senate practically in fit the same form as aa passed bythe by the house gifford pinchot deposed chief forrester tort fort res rester er bitterly assails the action of george e t mccabe solicitor of the department part ment who as temporary chief atter after Pine pinchot hot dismissal toole took action to abolish the collegiate training of foresters at government expense I 1 wade it 11 ellis bills of ohio has resigned his position as aa assistant to tho the attorney n ey general in the department ot of justice justic e to accept the chairmanship of the republican executive committee ot ohio and to assume charge of the ohio campaign this fall FOREIGN Antol netta Frat frattina tint who was waa seven ty two years old shot herself at padua italy because she had been awaiting death tor for fafty years and there was waa no sign as yet of her dying recently Rec ertly the doctors of paris demanded and secured a higher scale ot of fees the nurses emboldened by the success of the doctors have placed a minimum rate ot of 1 1 a day cu cn their services shefket pasha the new minister ot war intends to thoroughly reorganize the turkish army and the navy also Is to bo be put on oil a sound fighting basis german ideas will prevail in the army and english in the navy A number of chinese girls specially trained lit in san francisco have begun work in peking as aa central operators I 1 in n the telephone system recently 0 opened there when ringing up tit address them as eliy lily of the air and butterfly that talks because of 0 the great successor success sot of the police dog exhibition at 1 monaco last year arrangements are being made for a similar show which will take place toward the lattey part of maichi Mai cli several belgian and german dog detectives tec tives have also alao been entered lady constance rich richardson ard son created a stir a few days ago when she appeared upon a london hall stage and danced for or charity iler her daring gowns and her startling poses drew great crowds but they also called down the wrath of king andward who ordered that her ninie name be thi alio list of those entitled to attend curt functions driven helplessly from froin her course in one ot of the wildest storms that has swept the mediterranean in forty years the IF I 1 ench transatlantic steamship companas comp anys steamer gener geller at al while running full speed in the dead of night crashed on oil the treacherous reefs near the island of minorca and all except one of the persons on board perished whether the fla hawaiian wallan izi lands islands shall be dry will be left led to the hawaiian people themselves and will not bo be do de ter mined by congress this was determined ter mined by the senate committee on pacific wands landt la and porto rico when it adopted a report providing that the tha question shall be submitted to a caal election king gustav of sweden has baa been lation operated on for appendicitis the operation beina a success |