Show 0 gossip of 0 what Is gaind on ot at tho the national capital oh my women must tell their age ra 7 N 1 pardon roe me madam W washington tho the government of 0 the united states would like to know yow your ago with that remark the census enumerator will politely display y hla his badge and prepare to make an entry in the ARI cIal census papers the question Is will every woman in the united states when thoy they start taking the census april 15 26 disclose dla dis cloae clone her real number ot at years or will she reply that it la Is none of the governments business busIn ceaT the sporting editors says ays the bolting betting til lit about even willard 1 K supervisor ot of the district ot of illinois which included chicago was in recently to confer with supervisors arother or of other largo large catlett on this and other problems in taking the census another question necessitating con can side rabir tact la is that regarding the head ot of tho the house the man ot of course la Is the ostensible hea bead d of every household but when it cornea comps to making an official report to the government goberni there thera may bo be a difference ot opinion supervisor hotchkiss said bald an another other of the most important question discussed was that ot of fully acquainting foreigners ot of the real purpose of the census A display of official papers rod and badges tends to frighten the foreigners said mr they lear fear it has something to do with deporting them or forcing them to give up lioney and their instant refugo Is to give untruthful replies to the tlona put by the enumerator to guard against this we decided to try to educato educate the foreigners bo forehand so that when the enumerator calls they will know just what to expect wo we are educating them through their children in the schools through the churches the foreign newspapers news papera and sett settlements lemento and societies in various parts of the country A carelessly taken census snows shows a smaller population than a carefully taken one an enumerator often finds people in life his district aro are not vit at home and instead of returning there them later ho he passes them up entirely |