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Show KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Ten Years Relieved in Three Months Thanhs to RE-RU-N- i'lZEK, Mt. Sterling, Ky says : I have Buffered with kidney and bladder trouble for ten years past Latl March I commenced using Peruna and continued for three months. I hare npt used it since, nor bare I felt C. B. a pain. POOR CHOLLY. Cholly Is your sister in, my boy? ' Willie Just give me your card, and Hi go and see if youre de guy she told me to tell dat she was out. Sri TO or Ohio Cm or Tolxdo J- hVCM COURT. - Frank J. Chink mk oath that he ta Beak Co. Coin partner of the Itrui of F. J. Chine bualneea la the Oly ot Toledo, County and State atoreeald, and that naid firm will pay the aum of ONE HCNDRt.D DOLLAR. Sir each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the uae of Hauls CatarrR Curs. FRANK 1. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and euberrlbed In my presence, this th day of December, A. D J8M. i , A. W. GLEASON. i BA1, Notar Public. Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts eurlacee ot the snd mucous blood the upon directly System. Send tor testimonials, free. V J. ( HENEV CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all DrursiiU. The. I J Family PUS for eonetlpatloo. Take Hall Reflections. The beautiful home was crowded with people assembled to honor the distinguished guest. But the explorer soon tired of the attentions, and as he leaned his arm against a pillar, he allowed himself to be transported back to the scene of his triumph. "Such a waste, he mumbled, am dibly, staring into space, "such a waste, such a waste. Why so many stout ladles left the house In indignation, the hostess was unable to learn. Sunday Magazine of the Pittsburg Dispatch. HE was very pretty there was no doubt whatever about that; and Harold Vane, who liked to look at pretty things of all kinds, especially women, lingered in the shadow of the hallway and Maud watched . pretty Elhlyn as she sat at the fireplace, one dainty foot resting on the brass andiron, and her head bent low as with a tiny gold pencil she wrote something on a sheet of note paper which rein her lap. posed, woman-fashioPresently the writing ceased, and the fair writer, thinking herself alone, proceeded, in a way she had, to talk to her own charming self; and Harold, the man who listened, excused himself on- the plea that what she was saying could be no secret, or she would not utter it aloud, even though supposing herself to be alone. And this is what he heard: Yes, Cupid, 1 have written a valentine to the one who is destined by you to be my fate; for, according to maidens belief, only he, my own true lover, can find It and answer it; hence, should an answer come, it will be absolute proof to me that the writer of it Is my future lord and master. And she made a little curtsey before the long pier glass; and, snatching a soft wool shawl from tbe sofa, she wound It about her head and shoulders and, the valentine in her hand, went out on to the porch and ran down the garden path, Harold from the hall window discreetly watching her as she went lightly down past well to the somethe old what bleak and deserted summer moss-grow- Dreee? by Pspys. Old Pepys diary records almost yearly allusions to St. Valentines day. Pepys tells us that February 14, 1661, he took Mrs. Marta, the wife of his friend Sir W. Bratten, for hia valentine, adding. In parenthesis, that he did it only for complacency. And Sir W. Bratten in like manner took Mrs. Pepys for his valentine, "and so we were very merry. February 18 40 Pepys squandered shillings on Lady Bratten upon a payre of embroidered and six payre of plain white gloves." February 21 Sir W. Bratten sent Mrs. Pepys "half a dozen pair of gloves and a pair of silk stockings and garters for her valentine. Dy-o-l- Dy-o-l- His "Raise. dont dare face my wife. . "Whats the trouble? I told her expected a raise. "1 1 "Well? "Well, the raise 1 expected and the raise I got were two different kinds. Important to Mothers. and the dunger U averted, SsV qualed for sore t hroat, q u i nay , fee, u mi tn aUo. house, where he saw her slip the valentine under a loose stone at the sill; and then, for reasons of his own, not wishing to be discovered by the fair writer of the valentine, he swiftly left the bouse by another path, making a circuit which in a few moments brought him also to the summer house, where he deftly abstracted the valentine, not pausing, however, to read it until safely within his own bachelor Loyal to the Last. hear the undertaker died. quarters; but, having reach'd them, Stm. Yep, the firm was failing and he could no longer brook delay and, he had to help it out. with hat aud overcoat still on, he drew from his pocket the tiny sheet of note ONLY ONR "BKOMO OllNlNK. That I LAXATIVE BKOMO 01IN1NK. Look fot paper and read, In Maud's graceful the signature of K. W (sKOVfaL I sod the World ever to ure a Cold In (hie Day. 2&c. chirography, the following: , Tim. 1 sweetheart mine As Described o KXPOSI KK TO roi.it snd wet ! the ttrst stop to Pneumonia. Take Perry PutoAiHer I I have no gift to a offer, So priceless as thou art! only come, a lover true and tender, And bring to you my heart. O, Then, as she turned her head, the door behind her opened softly, and somebody took her in his arms, and somebodys kisses silenced the protests of her lips. A little struggle a womans last pretense ot battle before the surrender she Is happy In making and than Maud, with all the tender love of her heart shining In her glorious eyes, whispered, softly "O Harold! 1 am so glad It was you!" If so, dye it, but be sure and use Dy-la Dyes which give the same fast brilliant colors to any and all fabrics. So much easier, better, and more economical than others. Dealers sell a Dyes at 10 cents a package. Write Burlington, Vermont, for color card and book of directions. Rather than follow a multitude to do evil, one should stand, like Pom-pey- s pillar, conspicuous by ones self, and single in integrity. Sir Thomas Browne. non-arriv- n Are You Tired of the Color of Your Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought tie seat, albeit not a romantle spot In winter, to meditate and arrive at some conclusion undisturbed. She really did hope that It was not the young clergyman; for she was not at all up in theology and was quite too undignified for a clergymans wife. "And the young doctor would not do, nice as he Is, she said, emphatically, for I never could be sweet and amiable enough to share him with all the other women In the town." She paused a moment and then continued: "Ralph is a bright young lawyer, but so metaphysical; and, while 1 can occasionally assume an interest in metaphysics, that mental diet daily would be very wearing. But dont you think. Miss Maud," she continued gayly to herself, "that you are presuming a great deal In taking it for granted that any one of these gentlemen wishes to be your valentine? Oh, no! I do not flatter myself. But the eligible young men in town are so few that 1 must mention them all to find somebody, so I might 'as well refer to the others. Reginald comes next, and he does waltz divinely; hut waltzing is not very profitable, and 1 fear it Is poor Reggies strongest point Tom Is Intellectual; but be has such a dreadful temper that I should feel all the time as though I were living with dynamite. Joe Is a tyrant, and he la so insanely jealous. Now, I love to have my own way, or think I do; and, if a man were determined to be Jealous anyway, 1 am afraid I might be tempted to tease him a little, ao that combination would not do at all. Only two are left Jack and Harold; and Jack Is a dear good boy, but not at all (She had forgotten commanding. that she discarded Joe because be was.) "And last, but not least, there is Harold." But what she thought ol him tbe ' little lady did not say. That evening, as she again salF'at the old fireplace, feeling, it must be confessed, somewhat disappointed at the of her valentine, a white missive, evidently tossed ' In through the open hall window, fell at her feet. But no one was in sight, and, full of eager expectation, Maud opened the sealed missive. "Oh, how romantic! how delicious!" she exclaimed, as, with beatlng..hSM3-an- d dancing eyes, she read: I On Valentine Morning. In. some English villages even yet Is obthe custom of "valentlning served. The children gather early In the morning and go from house to house singing some chorus like to you, Valentine, Curl your locks as I do mine. Two before and three behind, to you, Valentine. The children are rewarded with little notions, pennies or candies tossed to them from the windows. Good-morro- Good-morro- ' Substantial Valentine. In olden days valentines were pretty gifts to some friend chosen for the day. The lady valentines of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were honored not by anonymous verse, hut by substantial gifts. C a lot of good resolutions manufactured the morning after. And are Good saint, on earth somewhere, they tell me, 1 waiting a Valentine, Brave and tender and loyal alway, And destined Some day to be mine. Can you not find him, and tell him duly Another heart tender and true As a Valentine somewhere Is waiting for him, And to find her let him ask you. Early the next morning Maud visited the summer house and, while not really expecting to find her valentine gone, she did hope that it might be, so eagerly raised the stone at the mill and gave a little shriek of girlish delight at finding her hope realized. Yes, her valentine was unmistak- wisely directed, will cause her to give to her little ones only the most vholobome and beneficial remedies and only when actually needed, and the mother uses only well-inform- ed the pleasant and gentle laxative remedy Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna when a laxative is required, as it is wholly free from all objectionable substances. To get its ben- eficial effects always buy the genuine, manufactured by tbe California F:g Syrup Co. ably gone. But who could have taken It? And, whoever, it was. It was quite shabby of him not to have answered it. Could It have been that teasing boy cousin of hers? If so, Bhe would never hear the last of it But no Jim would never have put the stone back properly. Maud was becoming a good detective, at least In affairs of love. But who could it have been? She felt certain that no one had seen her deposit her valentine there under the stone; hence It being gone would argue that Fate had Indeed been at work In her behalf. But who was the man? And Maud dropped down on the rus- - THE LION IN LOVE. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. Will Break Up a Cold in Twenty-Fou- r Hours and Cure Any Cough That la Curable. Nursing Mothers and ed Women Over-burden- all stations of life, whose vigor and vitality may bare been undermined and broken-dow- n by overwork, exacting social duties, the too frequent bear- inf of children, or other cauaes, will find in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the most potent, inever devised vigorating restorative strength-give- r for their special benefit. Nursing mothers will find it especially valuable in sustaining their strength and promoting an abundant nourishment for the ehild. Expectant mothers too will find it a priceless boon to prepare the system for babys coming and rendering the ordeal comparatively painless. It can do no harm in any state, or condition of the female la The following mixture Is often prescribed and Is highly recommended for coughs, colds and other throat and Mix two ounces bronchial trouble. of Glycerine, a of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, and eight ounces of pure Whisky. These can be bought in any good drug store and easily mixed together In a large bottle. Tbe genuine Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure Is prepared only In the laboratories of the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, and put up for dise vials. pensing in half-ounc- e aystem. half-ounc- HOSPITABLE MAN. ' . - - - - Delicate, nervous, weak women, who matter from treonent distress or from polar ' headache, backache, dragglmg-dow- n gnawing er distressed sensation la stomach, ft Irregularities, dizzy or talat spells, oeo tmmglaory specks or spots floating before eyes, hare disagreeable, catarrhal drala, prolapsus, antererslon or retroversion or other dleplaeememte ot worn maty organs from weakaesa ot porta will, whether they ex find perlence many or only a tew ot the above symptoms, relief and a permanent care by using taltbtally and airly persistently Dr. Plercea Favorite Prescription, t This world-fame- d specific for woman's weaknesses and peculiar ailment is . si pure glyceric extract of the choieest native medicinal rootf without a drop oi alcohol in its make-uAll its ingredients printed in plain English on its p. and attested under oath. Dr. Pierce thus invites the fullest investigation of his formula knowing that it will be found to contain only the best agents known to the most advanced medical science of all the different schools of practice lor the cure oi womans peculiar weaknesses and ailments. If you want to know more about the composition and professional endorsement of the Favorite Prescription, send postal card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for his free booklet treating of same or, better d till, send 31 one-cecopy of Dr. Pierces Common stamps for Sense Medical Adviser, new; revised Edition, 1008 pages. You cant afford to accept as a substitute for this remedy of knows composition a secret nostrum of unknown composition. Dont do it. It is not only foolish but often dangerous to do so. bottle-wrapp- er cloth-boun- nt Our master is a charming man. Every year he admits one of us to his table. , LEG A MASS OF HUMOR About seven years ago a small abrasion appeared on my right leg just above my ankle. It irritated me so that I began to scratch it and it began to spread until my leg from my ankle to the knee was one solid scale like a scab. The irritation was always worse at night and would not allow me to sleep, or my wife either, and It was completely undermining our health. I lost fifty pounds in weight and was almost out of my mind with pain and chagrin as no matter where the irritation came, at work, on the street or in the presence of company, I would have to scratch It until I had the blood running down Into my shoe. I simply cannot describe my suffering during those seven years. The pain, mortification, loss of sleep, both to myself and wife is simply indescribable on paper and one has to experience it to know what It is. "1 tried all kinds of doctors and remedies but I might as well have thrown my money down a sewer. They would dry up for a little while and fill me with hope only to break out again Just as bad if not worse. I had given up hope of ever being cured when I was induced by my wife to give the Cuti-cur- a Remedies a trial. After taking the Cuticura Remedies for a little while I began to see a change, and after taking a dozen bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, In conjunction with the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. the trouble had entirely disappeared and my leg was as fine as the day I was born. Now after a lapse of six months with no signs of a recurrence I feel perfectly safe in extending to you my heartfelt thanks for the good the Cuticura Remedies have done for me. I shall always recommend W. H. White, them to my friends. 312 E. Cabot St.. Philadelphia, Pa Feb. 4 and Apr. 13. 1909." LEADING LADY SHOES v- - There are no other shoes at popular prices that in any way compare with these classy, g shoes. They are made fashionable, on lasts that insure the utmost comfort yet give your feet that trim and stylish look. good-fittin- shoes combine style and wearing qualities to s degree that easily makes them tbe most popular, dressy and serviceable ladies fine shoes obtainable, at s cost no greater than ordinary shoes. Your dealer will supply you ; if not, write to us. 7o be sort you gel the LEADING LADY, look fot the Mayer Trade Mark on the soles. FREE If you will send os ths nsras of a dealer who does not handle Leading Lady Shoes, we will send you free,posS paid, a beautiful picture of Martha Washington, siio 13 20. Wo alio make Honorbllt Shoes for men, Martha Wash-to- n Comfort Shoes, Yerma Cushion Shoes, Special erit School Shoos and Work Shoes. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe MAKE GOOD GARDENS In selecting Alfalfa seed for Western planting, yon must have Western grown Acclimated, Cleaned, Graded and Tested Seed. OUR BIG CATALOG will help you in selecting jost what yon want in seeds. It is free for the asking. SEND FOR IT TO-DAA Postal Will Do Y The Fight Against Tuberculosis. Interest In the cam- The Barteldes Seed Co. paign now being waged throughout the United States is evidenced by the fact that in the year 1909 163 new associations were formed, 133 tuberculosis sanatoria and hospitals were established, and 91 tuberculosis dispensaries were opened. Compared with previous years, this is the best record thus far made in the fight against consumption In this country. ..During the year 1909, 43 more associations for the prevention of tuberculosis were formed than during the previous 12 months, and 62 more hospitals add sanatoria were established. On January 1, 1910, there were in the Uniassocited States 394 ations, 386 hospitals and tuberculosis sanatoria and 265 special tuberculosis dispensaries. PILES CTRED IN 6 TO DENVER, COLO. Ask for Burt aide Roods Your dealer bandies them Sow ear and positive preventive, ao matter how horeee et any eve re lafeeted or NsrpoMd." Liquid, given on the tongue; nets on the Blood and Glendat expoU the polaouous verms from the body. Curee Dietemper In Dove and Sheep end Cheiem he Poultry. fonreeteelltafrlWefitock remedy, (miw end Is a line Kidney rente r. 60c end 91 bottl it. Show to your dr ggtst, who will g wen ted. Special ageota SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. 1 ' When Woman Is In Politics. The city fathers voted You mean the city fathers and ithers. Judge. , . Drop everything else nd write to Q, f, Bible mede me, $io a days Cwmin work hi year wa ewe. -- ho Capital required. 1 furntah you with complete vi ork in outfit. Build an Independent busine of own. Ho your experience nwv I give you auecemful methods and gelling plans. After establishing a DiifdueM In your own town additional territory will be Work suitable end assigned to men and women. profitable Position permanent. In thin business you will not eern bip money Jutwo bon re and then noth In more for a week but w ill hevee profitable regular in- tune of if oo to no fio a day HATE YOB A COrGH, OR COLD? If so. lake at once Align $ Lung Jidfsom and watch results. Him pie. safe, effective. All dealers. Pep-lefee ular ery. are apt to Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup. often, the gums, reduce. For children teething, allay, palu,oure wind collu Anything 23c , bottle. is wrong that is almost Pink Eye, Eplsootla Shipping Fever & Catarrhal Fever Wot DAYS. PA7.0 OINTMENT Is gRRran Wed to cure any cas of Itching, Blind, Bleodtnx or Protruding Pile In to It day or money refunded, 60a. Too many, make a man see double. Co- -. Milwaukee, Wis. ramk Jkwb th, urnTnomy. - Chemists and Bacterloloaieta mm, ind., u. s. As Suicide Slow death and awful suffering follows neglect of bowels. Constipation kills more people than consumption. It needs a cure and there is one medicine in all the world" that cures it CASCARETS. M Cascarets 10c. box weeks treatment. All drugrfflRts. Bigrsrett teller in the world million boxos month. I bucked by hluhclM Inn wtAMl.tiwl IrkIu, cnacorn. Only one repnwittlv wanted in each district. W rite todr. Secure t one. Money mode the Drat your territory end EDWIM F. BALCH, 1 W. Kinzle St.. Chicago, III. PARKERS trt iy. U Grif KAIR BALSAM snd bwitiflM tl tub. dmam Promote huninant a growth. Hover Fails to Bsstors Qrtsy Hair to its Youthful Qolor, Cutm scalp disease it hair For a Tough Beard or Tender Skin NO STROPPING KbOVVW TfcE NO HONING 'iiiPBis RAYJ FURS v HIDES AND PELTS Writ for our complete price list and t&s. Highest prices paid and satisfactory returns. WOOL CO, LUTZ HIDE Mwr, f WORLD OVER HOWARD E. BURTON, aIfhaevs?.nd Hpectuiea pit re Gold, Silver, Lead. Yl; Hold, riivor. tic; uld. .mo or Copper, i. KaiUng anti full prtce list snt on application. envelopes I Oontit snC umpire work solicited. LeadvTlle. CaL Keierence. Carbonate National Bank. i IDEAS. They may bring you PATENT rMIC.IVI Torn Book Free. Kst. ISHO. wealth. NlUftcraldAlV,l,tAMy,JBoxK.W.hiostiU.C. t rawford. lUpid City, 8. Xeb. Bw II CUT Bread made by a new CftUrTlilUG OvIflklfllnQ IVCW process. Better. quicker and cheaper than by old methods, righted for Hiuia aOc, AIKS. CEO. TOOK, Hastings, Minn. DEFIANCE Co!d Water Starch makes laundry work a pleasure. If afflicted with sore eyes, nee w. 16 os. pkg. lOo. Thompsons Ey Water N. U., Salt Lake City, No. PUT NAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and faster colors than an, other dye. On 10c gaekage color all fibers. to Ore, Bleach and Mu Color. Bnj aarraenl without ripping agart Write lor tie boklet-H- ow Thor dre in cold water better than any other dre. You can MQHROE DRUG CO., Quincy, Illinois. dw |