Show MAKE SPIDERS NEST USEFUL mexican natives utilize them forero for protection against the deadly and persistent fly thu utility of the spider the fact that it has a part to play in tho the economy of nature Is in very slowly being lecog recognized in tills this country but there are regions of the world where sentiment has given place to tho the conviction that certain classes fit at any rato of tho the insect play a rolo role that Is both useful and beneficial to man at L doguet who has been on a mission in a district of mexico which ho fie ends calls michoacan has brought back tidings of a spiders op ap iders nest which Is used by the tha natives for self belt protection during the rainy season and which forms a notable addition to the adornment of the rooms in which live lie ile describes the mosquero ino as it is called which has been used as a remedy for the iho fly plague from time immemorial raeco rial at the beginning of the rainy genson the exodus from the villages begins the inhabitants stream up the wooded hillsides hill sides and the picture he e draws of the long procession of branches each bt bf which contains coveted mosquero ro re knoo the wood of the nests aro arc large enough to cover a splice space of a couple of square yards and aie ai e like a hugi huge sponge this Is strung to tho the brail branches ches by thick threads which act na as cables then come aho thinner and stick ropes which are to act as catchers of the harmful unnecessary fly the inside of the nest la Is simply a mesh of interwoven lines pierced with passages and galleries all kept in a state of perfect sweetness by a tiny parasite paras llo one of the malof which live and move and have their being and find their nur ture within its recesses the season goes on the nest neat concon tribally trl tri cally in size elzo As each rapture capture Is mado made it la Is secured by freshly nindo webs and the remains after host and parasite have satisfied their appetites become an integral part of tile the surface of the nest |