Show OF A WEEK I 1 RECORD OF THE IMPORTANT EVENTS TOLD IN BRIEFEST MANNER POSSIBLE happenings happening that are making history information gathered from all quarters quarter of the globe and given in a few lines intermountain L E rader former member of the legislature former deputy state treasurer and a leader of 0 the populist party Is lying in a hotel in seattle almost dead from dolunt voluntary ary starvation begun twenty seven days ago on the advice ot of a woman doctor who prescribes prec a C ribes abstention from food and drink as a remedy for all ailments general ral E P alexander who in 1858 1856 went on field duty with the utah expedition and later ister was in the confederate army Is dead at Sav savanah anali ca james edwards and john 11 II wilson walson have beben found guilty by a jury or of robbing the Cl cotins tins national bank in glenwood 1 springs colo september 29 last letteri lettera foundoe found on the body of harry brophy tile tl ie ringleader killed in the attempted jail break at canon city colo show persons persona outside the prison aided the convicts in their attempt to lo escape warden tynan refuses to divulge names act the tha accomplices but officers are seeking several ei ex convirs it Is r calmed almed that it II the file courts hold bold that thomas thamas P walsh was vins at the time of his hig death a citizen of colorado that state would get inheritance tax mid that it the court held that mr VOSA waga waa citizen of 0 washing ton gec bet but I 1 5 A ci ofa a limbery 1 1 scandal I alln involving tho the chicago we western t e indiana railroad the illinois legislature as composed two years ago the city council of chicago and sums of money which may run anywhere between and treble that amount has been ordered by states stales attorney wayman way man district attorney whitman has obtained positive proof that it 1 la acl possible sl to buy girls tor for immoral purposes in new york four young girls who were purchased ly by special agents of the ai district strict attorney are in the care of his bis office clyde hastings alias harry clain borne arrested for the murder of policeman drooks brooks at los angeles e escaped B from maricopa maricola Mari copa arizona jail thursday night the door had been broken atom from outside and the handcuffs lay on the floor al motormen and conductors of the columbus ohio oble street car company went on a strike on friday cars are running but the I 1 la badly crippled ella lumsden aged 14 was attacked and fatally injured in the rv rear r of her home in los angeles the girl had been wit watering ering the lawn and went back of 0 the house to put away the hose when she bhe was attacked by an all unknown man who escaped her skull being crushed crashed for the first time in te ten n years the unorganized employees empl emp loyes of the gulf colorado santa pe fe lines in louisiana iana texas and oklahoma are to receive an increase in wages the increase per cent and affects nearly employed emp loyes machinists on seven railroads entering kansas city have delivered their ultimatum to the companies in which they declare a strike will be called unless their demand of an increase of 3 cents centa an hour Is granted secretary of agriculture wilson in au an address in new york declared that the soils bolls of the mississippi valley arn am being subjected gradually to the same unwise treatment that so seriously destroyed the soils east of tho the alle chentes and south of the ohio the destruction of solla soils he believes has bas a direct bearing on the increased cost of living several persons were injured and property damaged to tho the amount of meyeral thousand dollars when eight bulls and one female elephant belonging to a circus stampeded at danville ills ralph madison 13 11 year old son of a wealthy palo alto ranc rancher kanclier lier has been cured of chorea a rare d disease which cause him to labor under delusion that he was a dog barking and snarling the boy has been a sufferer from tle strange malady for two years epars the reception committee which has hai in charge the welcome home of theodora in june Is being swamped with applications from organizations in many parts parla of the country which want to take part in abr tl land and naval baradei parade and other features tit of the tha celebration clarence ce wood 19 years yeara old I 1 0 rutherford N J shot and stabbed a alsa Anna kipp and seriously wound ed chief of police smith of rutherford and also shot policeman mcclelian and realizing that ho he was waa about to he be captured shot and killed himself opening in riotous discord and closing in enthusiastic harmony the indiana democratic convention adopted governor marchalls marshalls Mar proposition that it endorse a candidate for the united states senate and named john W kern who was the file bartys candidate for vice president in 1908 thirteen year old nine nina anthis committed suicide in school at alton illin presence of her teacher and thirty school mates by drinking carbolic acid she left a note on her desk in which she said paid her heart was broken because her foster mother had bad scolded her I 1 dr B C hydes hydea bond of lO OOOO w was a 8 revoked and the physician was placed in the county jal jail at kansas city by the order ot of judge latsha latshaw a at t the close of the criminal court seaton s wednesday night dr hydo hyde Is accused of poisoning millionaire thomas swope washington by the decisive voto vote of 35 to 29 the administration republicans on friday defeated the cummins substitute for the craword crawford elkins traffic agreement provision of the railroad bill insurgents ot of tho the senate through the eloquent tongue of se senator dolliver on wednesday spurned an invitation to quit their party associates and join the democratic party which invitation ha haa been extended by senator rayner in ili the course of a speech in opposition to the administration railroad bill theodore roosevelt for tho the united states senate as successor to chauncey y NI denew seems to be the way the political poNt leal prophets and wiseacres wise acres in washington have the situation in new york state stale figured out in the presence of president tatt taft and the iha greater part of official washington alias edith lee sutherland daughter of the j junior ulinor senator f from rom juall ais warded married on A robert R ert elmore of los angeles angelea gen general ral nelson A allies was thrown from a horse ho be was riding in potomac park late wednesday one rib broken he received a slight scalp wound and was bruised somewhat on his shoulder and side FOREIGN ten persons were burned burne d to death a number reported missing andley and sey eral were injured in a fire which destroyed the rossmore hotel and other buildings at cornwall ont J pierpont pont morgan intends to spend in europe ope within the next year or two not less lehs than in art treasures to tho the united states the ex king of zululand Zu luland nod and the former chief Manku lumana have been removed to newcastle to serve the remainder of their sentences continuously bail bad weather throughout spain Is causing great damage and somo some logs of life telegrams front castellon Castel lun state that the orange crop has been ruined and other crops crop have been greatly damaged all france Is laughing at an order just issued hy by the government which prohibits kissing at railroad stations for the novel reason that the railway trains are delayed by lengthy good byes and farewell kisses the british cotton growing ass association ocla has accepted the offer of the dl rectors of the british south africa company which will make possible the growing of cotton on a large scale beale in Ith odesia tiie the great naval cruise in the north sea now drawing to a close Is perhaps he file greatest demonstration of eug lands ands naval power ever made there are well over a hundred ships en battleships 22 armored cruisers cral sers 13 protected cruisers and scouts 10 destroyers 50 depot ships etc 6 submarines 20 A decisive sive engagement between the government forces estimated at 1800 men and the combined armies of the rebels 2500 strong Is expect expected el to take ake place before dicara nicara gua 9 us within rhin w the next week colonel roosevelt in company witt with king albert of belgium visited the ex position in brussels brus asels on thursday his appearance there being marked hy by a double demonstration for himself and tho the king following the arrest of tour four rus plans in liono honolulu lulu on the charge of in citing disorder a mob of COO ot of their countrymen a ir rounded tho the police sta tion and a battle br atle with the police fol owed loved A number of the mob were injured the engagement Is announced in london of lieutenant reginald alt harn ham owen of 0 the royal engineers stationed at jamaica to ruth bryan leavitt daughter ol of william J bryan who formerly was mrs NV 11 II leavitt yang wen ting the governor of Chang sha has issued a peace pe a ce procla in matlon atlon the british consul however has given notice that he be will not be responsible in case those who go ashore are aie attacked attached |