Show commissioners OUTLINE WINTER ROAD WORK in the regulars meeting of the cotet county commissioners held on alon da di considerable business of a routine character ws was gone over taxes tae for 1913 were remitted for a number of persons on recommendation from prominent citizens and in some cases initial assistance in the raiment of taxes vas given the publication of the delinquent tax list for the sear bear 1913 was awarded to the sevier sun the contract price being 12 lents per description improvement of county roads roada received considerable attention and a de cission vas nas reached to grada the county road north from the venice beet bat dump to intersect the county rod road over cedar ridge and to grade the road over the bench between richfield and elsinore for this work the county will pay at the rate of sa 3 per man and team and 2 for single hands this should make a little work here during the winter months |