Show TO SAVE GAVE OLD manuscripts javanese Jao anese silk thin and transparent Is passed on them and pre serves them in the preservation of matron manu scripts and books au an additional alp guird has been found in japanese silk its use his removed i I 1 tear fear that lore lop existed in ili the mind of gilb irland tint thi the tire lire old manuscripts manu manci would dry up lip and return to their ori girill ele fortunately hoevel the t of a sill of extreme thin ness ind and transparency has settled tho the of the life of these manu scripts for the defit to or three hurt him dred eais at leist by that time perhaps some other me method thod may bo be dico el ed d this silk Is r than the thin nest tissue the thread belne III alt r than seldor debs clas it Is pasted oer 01 er the manuscript so firel that it IN fit ills oft off all dust and air and yet IS 1 so go transparent thit it does not inter fere ani ina more re ith the app appearance earince ot of th ahr maru manuscript script than would an ordin at ar baue ol of glass it strengthens the manuscript nanu script so go thit the danger of haud hundling ling Is seduced to a I 1 minimum nuni brn 1 rii nm time past the united bt kaites ties library or of congress has had bad in iran the P ind na protection or of all ali its old manuscripts employing lor for the purpose the silk mentioned unless one be an expert ln in old manu ta h Is 1 unable to the tha tact that the silk has been used |