Show RICHFIELD TEAM GAME high school basketball Kasket Baket bail ball FIN ane e defeat rist rast manti pla placers ars in an exciting contest rhe che high lio ito it il leacile I aca scorn rn for the central division opened hero here on fridly frid ly night when tile the rich ich ieli fiell ilich team met and fie de festad if inti anti III b a se to ie of 12 to 21 24 the gure we wa much fater thin the score would indi indicate catL and though the manti lois ions aera erp clearly out elis elisser sed still then a consistent game rid aid nver gc gae up hope until the biral whistle A LE chidester ind and beil for the iccil team pinned exceptionally exception alli aill atell ell ind the treat great wore run ucb the richfield bova was probably due more to their than to any other reason tile contest was witnessed by a large and enthusiastic audience the line up follows banti alanta position loll richfield brown r f ogilvie I 1 f real vorhees c bea bean n tuttle i e V chidester maden Ala dRent g porter I 1 field iced goals coals Vori Vorhees lees 1 2 1 brown 5 2 I 1 real bea 8 I 1 ceide Cli deter ter 7 Of cilie ic 3 bean 11 1 porter I 1 free throws afandi 6 Rich richfield fiell 4 retiree rose pose codi li ind chiq te int will leave on fiddan for the north where the will nill meet the baitch war academy at mt alt pleas int fridan anda night an and the alic snow academy at ephraim on Stu night this trip will practically determine deter roine tile the of this daviann and chile the Pich neld lons lois ire anre rot over confident still they el ce no reason why abe should rot bring bibring home the lacon under tile annon I 1 urd who for a number of nears eara has been y b tl as c f th 1 lj Ts 5 tc teim mi ph bairn has developed sli n excellent etim in ii the rame right pro ra abe be fast and lur ir gujt j |