Show joseph hopkins li is tit in sit salt like J 13 wilson his returned from fion r rock audgo john F was ir in adanti sunday L 11 II is 19 home after a short mit at marydale Mary sale male mrs rd fd clark is 13 recovering f from rom a i seera e ere attack of I 1 li i grippe mib mi b annn anni sandberg Sand berc return led eil home from benghim thursday Thur sJay chab ll heppler eppler was vas in the northern ncr thern part of the count on bui business iness wed ceria mr mir i a adura geo gee baler bal er tome rome from silt lake cit catl sunday after a short visit there mr and mrs john olsen ire rc re rd joicine over tile arrival ir rial of ci a fine laby girl at their hone 11 A abbott was in wed looking loo kinc bright and happi itter after spending spen dinK the winter at delta mrs MM wm P and hir song sona legrand and cairroll ifft for fill more for a short chort visit on monday tile the stork melted the home of mr arid and mrs charles ogden and delivered to them a fine tab aib girl will is 13 home from salt I 1 ike ake where he has been undergoing under goine treatment in one of th ailt lt lake hospitals ur dr pigs anderson ofiN of mount lount plods int and dr C E wt alst st of silina were among the physicians who attend the meeting of the medical a tion here last lait night A marriage lican licence c hiis s granted wednesday to john matsen ut oi larde ton and evi baierline afif if E I 1 finore ind the were later married b bi bichop bop illbeg H L Chri christa se sen 11 ohp RO coial al neighbors h heij cia an initiation It meeting dl e vc n of lost last w eek it 11 d initiated initia teJ two ni w members to 11 tie c club mr ml mi ill bean and mrs wm wells pa paine ne all three members mern bera ot of the board of counti ittel do tile the meeting of the utah development league tit in salt lile lake OTT on aulda so heier let county via atas well r C it the meeting mayor maor james ni M peterson joined mra mirl peter on at go this thi weel maur haiar peterson went to suit halt lal lale e sunday and the following ilav day left f for or california alifornia he expects to be awai from richfield for a month or si weeks judge joshua greenwood of nephi was in tich rich nu n U lat last week ile he came to attend a meeting of the executive committee of the jumbo plaster planter aal an 1 cement company and remained a few days the guest of mr and mrs wm P payne several important meetings oi vital interest to the farmers of the state are to bo ba held in provo next dext week the annual convention contention of the state Hoti society will be heli at that city on lan an 29 30 20 and 31 this will be followed hy by the convent convention on of the tha dairymen of the state on an feb 1 and the convention contention of the dry farmers on feb 2 william U M of now new york of the western merchants association tf of new york and the famous stores company of richfield Richlie ld Is 13 expected I 1 to arrive in richfield toda rodni after a tour of idaho and montana in the interests of the new york house mr malouf came bame as far south ni as Gun gunnison wed nedday and is expected tu to reach hure here today ile ha will remain in richfield several days after which he will go to new york in a few weeks mr malouf will sale eale for europe on a purchasing trip ile he expects tu to be in europe six aix months mos all ah hill hall of silt it lit 11 e I 1 r in 1101 lii field J A jorgenson of 0 ilon roc will na hire monday A leap year darice wati was at sigurd aulda tuc aai night ambrose Thomps cn of 0 ans in the city the arst part of the week mr elsie elie ta tailor lor of Marya valc in ild during the first part of tile the v eel cek arnold G enque of salt like a member of the state lard board was djs bore monday T F freeman and J D black baek burn burn of the keene cement Com piny of sigurd are arc in the city mr lir and mrs E C Wr iglI were made happi sunday in orning morning when a 3 baby girl arrived it their home al U M steele jr of junction and tiles thos Haic of were Kich Rich liel heli 1 the early part of tha w week eek lil mra rs lee dark clark left for salina wednesday morning called thither by the illness of her father 10 0 cudde hack back S A license to wed was granted wed to orin onn R F howard and pricilla willis both of joseph the netiea will be married at joseph W D candland tta tt a in it richfield monday representing rep repenting the state line lind board in the hope of adjusting claims cf c men who assert they have bern been damaged bv regeon of the construction u ut f the atte inal i nal indian rete pete of gra adlle appeared ed before the count clerk monday with the skin of a monster lion that he iud killed near his big home borne the animal wag killed with one ball from roal rifle nna and ds as a line ireci arn of tho lion rhe phe fur awas was excellent and when properly md ind tanni d will male anal e a I 1 bon pitiful anz ni the lion measure fl S fesl re el au inched from tip to tip the kin was vs burcha ej by D P jensen I 1 title donnie the fivie five let dear old con on of mrs mary thurston mel with il sebio s sunda while ahil on a lir anre e I 1 imber nil dt at tile the lumber bards d ada rda ut tit thy the bevier valley y mill A pile of lumber tumbled on him ard completely I 1 plat pl mt litra call fr fir iteld ind I 1 aito tc an cime tu to the rescue rapi ue wh hi n the lumber was removed the little fellow was fluid to be ba verely beverely si BL bruised rind and in an ail unconscious condition dr J i steiner wis summoned to the th 0 alq tince of the bo boi and he tit in reviving re iving the unfortunate youngster youn gater and he is row now improving under the doctor s care ine foote fonte stock closed its engagement in this thia city on oil saturday night the he engagement of this thia company was wab one of the moat success ful of the season at each performance the company was greeted by a packed house home mr foote is an exceptionally talented actor and he was an supported bi men and women far above the average of companies usually seen in this part of the tha country from richfield the company went to salt lake whre it will probably bably re organize efforts are being made to induce mr foote and his hia crim company pany to return to Rich fild for another en pavement in the near future 11 mr r foote announce that his new corn com pany will be even stronger than the old and that the plays playe will be among the most moet successful eucce efful of the big eastern productions product iona |