Show PRIZES FOR FOB BIG FISH AWARDED W L freshwater pulls down 50 prize monday november 6 the cash prizes offered by the citizens and business houses houser of richfield for the largest tieh fish caught with hork and line in fish lake between july I 1 and november 1 1911 were anardi d the committee co consisted insisted of james M peterson Pete raon H H peterson Pc terson and D i P jensen jencen the contributors of the cash awarded were james M pet ereon creon bank richfield commercial is savings bank state batik bank of sevier standard meat Market Southern hotel co richfield drug co golden rule store wm win R horne home monel mere co johnston loh niton flute 11 W J M peterson Pet creon store J W werner al C christenson Christen ogden sons neill neil drug co famous rii co 0 P borr borg sona E L U hoffmann jujiro J F chidester john FL fen C NI heppler willis johnsen John sun baker GPO gee H martinson 1 artin of koosharem Koo sharem and the regulator co the 50 prize for the largest east e ern in lake trout wis was won by walter L freshwater of 0 prevo weight 17 pound and 5 ounces the S 30 prize for the largest eastern brook trout wai V a 9 awarded to geo H martinson Mir tinson of koosharem Koo sharem weight 7 ai pounds and the sa prize for the largest natie maine riah lake trout was captured by charles nard weight 3 pounds 4 aunee the al laugh so much do ve ie bear and read ot of the attraction of laughter that e find it a almont I 1 hobt shocking to realize how very seldom a musical laugh I 1 heard beard very few men have agreeable laughs nomen as a rule understand the art a little better laughter cornea comes more natural to them not because they have bare a great sense of humor but because they use laughter for a great er varlet variety ol of purposes thin than do men women laugh in coquetry and they alo u ute 0 a light laugh to bridge con gaps women really use laughter in all their lighter moods all laughter to be at all attractive must first be natural so then the ideal laughter or of a man 0 or r woman must have hae sincerity as its basis and ideal deal laughter Is alwoyn kind real keal mirth laughs vieb a person peron never neer at them |