Show MAN OF F FALLEN ALLEN FORTUNES he HB was stirred to ne new s ambition by th act of a cigar salesman cartri of the th brind I 1 used to 10 itle smoke aid ad ilic wait man of fillen fallen for tunes are like those of amny oters otla rs made in ili arious tingos an nod 1 I sizes to t bo be sold hold at fifi aifons ous ind and or of my m I 1 ra brand there was as one jartin ular size lape atit ej ei e i inlall ale ased nn nis fanan ind that thai I 1 ihie ih ie baxis I 1 usual 1113 snoe on no but B lian I 1 feel thit chit I 1 can stare scare the money I 1 go in and buy a rc foft or of thoc fine cleats algat I 1 or on or of the lliel c occasional occa fond I 1 went ical in chiq ind looking ool ting down into the lie cise I 1 named my ni brind lind rei meiching reiching ching ng into the cise c ise te ile brought out a box put these were not or of my sie ind dd she I 1 1 indicated ones I 1 canted and the salL sloan brought out that box it t six sl for a dollar of which I 1 now tool look three thre I 1 noted cisin ll tile the eird on the b box which the s Eil 1 I I 1 e esmin sm in had first brought hlo ight out arid tint that aird I 1 1 confess rile me ine a little thrill or of pleasure and thin what hat wis mis better i Is stir tir of imbi ambition tion the cigars fit that other box wells thic fur for a i dollar ind nd ind hill not tile the ellesman ll 11 esman brought them out to tile me con ald indendi Is if I 1 i ere efe chat urt jr of a customers customer 7 ile he hill hid and I 1 must look 1001 it arid and I 1 1 1 joal ol 01 11 it why should I 1 not be if hi by should I 1 continue to lt 1 a stogie in fit ji hy by should I 1 not ic tilee till im for wills tunes ind ful fir surpass thern them come colue to be not a six si but a ahr hirer fora for a dollar nun min |