Show r A LIBERAL REWARD will wi 11 be glen of automatic rifle loit loa on oil street in front of EJ Hep residence li monday londa return to C M na heppler kleppler FOR SALE 7 room rm brick house situated on main felain at elsinore U utah fall alai 14 acres of good farming farni inK land lying dine in A bargain tor for the light parti part inquire of S the WINTER SEMESTER of the brigham young university provo will begin monday dee dec 4 1311 1911 grid and will continue until march 29 1912 aln n excellent opportunity for those who cannot attend the tha whole school year to get it full halt hal years work write for description of courses R A noye richfield Kich neld utah is ia giving the highest cash price for fat lle live beef veal sheep hoea boas and turk reys tat stock cattle bought phone IQ automobile for sale second hand buick 6 passenger tour four mi ingbar car with tip t p in good running order A barguin fur the right pirty party p call or write tom brown richfield utah danied A so licitr address JUD libhart ARt pison utah FOR reir 2 rooms call at reaper for or information it t p FOR foit RENT KENT I 1 room apartment including eummer kitchen anil and bath room 1 routh of it bink cornar un on main street electric likht bath guilet an aal other lions lang lease leaie ered for particulars tic ticul ulars ara see aee II 11 A andelin Anil clin at farn fam worth cafe backache headache nervousness and rheumatism buth both in men and w women om en mean nit n kidney trouble do not allow it to progress beyond the reach of medicine but bui stop it promptly with oley boley kidney pills they regulate the action of 0 the urinary organs in action quirk in results richfield drug co just receive received e ca a f bly bi 7 0 of the latest arid and A D ae S S E IURI S C H 4 F F I 1 I 1 E R S ili hi addition to our stock of afif firt A class furnifur furn furni turo 1 carpets house S peoples emporium north mun NL street 1611 fidd saved many from death M L mock ark believes he has saved many lives in his 5 scars of experience peri ence in the drug business what I 1 alwaes like to do he writes is to recommend dr kings new discovery for weak ora or 3 lungs hard bard colds hoarseness obstinate coughs li 13 gripps grippe croup asthma or other bronchial affection fur or I 1 feet feel ure sure that a number of 0 mi neighbors are ara alive toddy today because they took mi m advice to use it I 1 honeski ho honestly nesti believe its the best throat and lung medicine mide easy to prove hes right get a trial bottle free or regular 50 or S sl bottle guaranteed by all druggists Drug gitts C A STO fa I 1 A tor for infants and children the ae kind you have flaye anys always bought ears the Sigua signature ture ol 01 a tae atzl royal has no substitute for making delicious home baked foods t 4 powder absolutely PURE the only powder made from royal grape cream of tartar alere is your chance to get an set oi ness or riding outfit HERE IS OUR PLAN every patron who purchases one dollars worth of merchandise from this store will receive a chance on this set of harness or riding outfit each ticket is numbered and a duplicate of the ticket is deposited in a box which will be kept locked until all the tickets are issued when the drawing will take place one ticket will be issued ft each dollar paid on account 0 07 otic one door north of postoffice Post office f ice RICHFIELD hardware re paints 5 L A SS A AND 11 N 11 M mall R LL WORK 0 AR K we are still contracting anything that belon belongs gs to a mouse house A ANDERSON N D E SONS RICHFIELD UTAH 2 fsr 7 M ii toll R L 0 1 R Z given away N ra ir I 1 el y in order to show our appreciation of b trade given us we are giving away F FREE pa E E some fine dressing mirrors mirrors 24 in in by 42 ip in with each 30 purchased in in our store be before ore feb 1 9 if you buy 15 you will get the mirror by paying and if you buy 20 you will get it for 50 e and the amount of each purchase A card is given to the customer is punched on it we Your trade our goods are arc of the highest quality and our prices are right supply yourself and family for the wahter and you will soon use the 30 00 you need the goods and you will get the fine mirror FREE an excellent present for chrismas Chrisc mas 0 ayo |