Show the story ofa of a medicine I 1 its ts nari name golden medical Dlo erv was suggested bv ono one ol of its mot important and alu ablo ingredients golden sa aal root nearly acarl forty years ago dr pierce discovered that he could by the use ot of pure triple refined aided by a certain degree ot of constantly cout antly maintained leat and mith iv ath tho the lid aid of apparatus and app appliances lanes designed tor for that purpose extract from our most kalua valuable ble native nath a mc inc diina dicen c il roots their curativo properties much better than by tho the llo u of 0 alcohol so EO generally employed so the now world lamed famed golden medical Disco discovery ery tor for the cure of 0 ni weak eak stomach indigestion or torpid liver or biliousness and k kindred n red derange derangements ments itts was amt made mad as it has L awn without a particle ot of alcoa alcohol at in L its miro up A gla r I 1 e fu list I 1 of its ingredients parl printed n t ea cr 1 iker I c b bottle atle wrapper will jhc show that ha h a iti it L Is 3 ceiaa a a arom from the mos most N valuable medicinal a d let nal r 1 found growing in our american rl forest al AH I 1 the L e 1 in ha e rw ii ed th 1 t iron ron I 1 elt anu 1 narl aiji jaci nn mrtin r I 1 f N h tham a thi epry pry b rp n 4 f tt laes for r hiag hie U adm 1 coero ca it a oo 00 of these an 0 rs emen uti 4 been COM compiled fled bi b dr R V pierce of 0 buffalo buffa 9 N Y and a ill III be mailed free to ans one asking ame b postal card or ietter addre sAd to ill the a boctor lowlor as aboe aboc from theto nth copied from standard medical books of 0 all the different school of bract it will be found that the ingredients con co n posing tha be golden medical discovery are advised bcd not on for or the cure of tho above me mentioned rationed dk dl baies eans but alco for ahn cure of all ca bronchial bronchi il and throat affections with nith catarrhal catir rhal di discharges charges oro bore throat lingering or hang on coughs cough and nil all tho those thoe e wasting sa sting affet affections ions which it nit promptly aria and properly feriv treated are liable to terminate an fn in recon emption tiko take dr pierce b ds conar coveri in time and persevere in its ua until aou 1 ou glo alv n it a fair air trial and it Is not likely todi f disappoint appoint too much must not bo be ex expected of 0 it it will ill not perform miracles c it will not cure consumption in its advanced stitch ci ho it u v ill cure tho the that lead up to consumption if fihnn in time G C morrison mm RUSH AD M wm all work vork neall done daue and guaranteed DEALER IN plu plumbers supplies applies J inquire at residence fth north and west N gaall wal catarrh yields to treatment by the agreeable aromatic elys cream balm it 13 19 received through the not nostrils rals and cl clariss triss land vitals hi als theNN the ft hole laur fAce over which it diffuses itself druggists sell bell tho the size aizo test tea it and you are sure sore to continue uie the treatment till relieved announcement to ac commod its those tho io ali win are partial to the use of 0 atomizers ato la in aT applying plying liquids into the nasal passages fr catarrh catarrhal at brou trou iff the tors p ci re craim balm in laquil forn form for n which wall lie known as elys liquid creim bilm balin price including the he cpr lying tube is IB 75 cents druggists or by mail 1 the licu d form 9 the medicinal properties of the solid preparation capitol sa saloon 1 J E blaik co 61 F fl ri 0 fa choice liquors wines and cigars POOL ROOM arthur henrie ozaier in n anil and Inin importer american and borei n Mar martila tilt i i I 1 20 4 TI 0 H t i specialty ot all itce ito iron nan ana b steel for oc a cemetery urpo eti P work lu my hn line avo to drop me ine a posta loard and I 1 wIll call ou oo I 1 them h home with de dealarid alaris aud and t tl t richeld field utah KILL L L T THE r COUCH 0 U C A AND CURE UR T THE E L LUNGS U AS WITH TH bra K ft rg rb IAN new W FOR r HS goo mwood PIT I 1 UH OLDS 01 DS B bottle afree free T 16 A milli AHO ALL THROAT AND LUNG NG TROUBLES ln A D SATIS S IS FACTO OF OB MONEY MOKEY RI 1 r M ito lion tins till we offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that lannot be cured by bv halls catarrh cure J F CHENEY CO toledo 0 we the have known 1 I r cheney for the last 15 3 icara cars and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin fill inci all able to carry out jut ana an obligation mide made by lim his firm walding kennna S afar marvin vin wholesale cale druggists toledo 0 halls catarrh cure is ii taken internally acting directly upon the blood and muco mucous us surfaces of the system testimonials sent free price 15 75 cents per bottle sold by all drug drue take halls family pills for constina con constipation ion FOR SALE good goad team and light wagon apply to A B williams FOR RENT my home in richfield to the t be right a party tf DR GRIFFITH kimberly utah 6 T 1 11 1 E 1 S T AT 1911 ph A R D 5 0 Is the place to trade where 40 8 0 brou get your y our money moneys s worth ever thing good to eat THES 00 pa arh hns h 4 county agents for the following medicines leines up by security remedy co gal cure for sore shoulder hoof remedy for poor feet liniment for sia swollen ollen legs caustic blister for spa mis ponder for the worms disinfectant for lousy hide distemper cure for cough antibiotic healer for barb wire cuts heave heane powder foi fa heaves deanc colic cure when lie needs it and security stock powder pol d cr fur for tunic tonic 7 i calf food fur fir raising cah calves es worn pona powder der and block powder ponder for the hoy carbonized disinfectant fec tant lice powder rup re up remedy and poultry poi powder der for poultry mp romr S 0 P sons V la 14 I 1 BIG REDUCTION IN PRICK PRIC g j 10 v P per y er v cent off on allgoods all 9 goods t tomatoes 2 cans sweet chocolate per for cake 50 quaker oats two t atje baht royal syrup wo packages for per c can an I 1 ja r goo ye we sell ifor for cash no book keeping no bills to collect rolle ct no accounts to r y lose that is why me e can sell cheaper than those vibo i ho do a credit business f the peoples I 1 equitable store RICHFIELD A biti arlt latia i W N TI F we ve have hale a corn complete line of armity stationary 0 o g typewriter and PIANOS I 1 4 school supplies their owners feel I 1 all the latent batet ja proud of them L vocal and instrumental ii i is music edison and victor phonographs I 1 wilcox music co RICHFIELD richt UTAH crichfield jafe RICHFIELD MILL malj ta arstra az t anderson fi fisher s h e r lumber lumberto Lum berCo co g IE t Malt hoid roofing cement Ce glass 4 and plain paints guarasi Z H teed Ahi horesco resco the yeat keat malj finish e every thing in mill work and building material m plans and estimates tor for building EVERYBODY says that ande andeson son fisher sells hat chilt m GOOD COAL m summer excursion rates 40 r 4 go 60 days 50 y with ga lw stopovers on sale june I 1 to sept 15 inc I 1 A 1 returning re sime S inte way 40 LOS anelus angeles t 41 99 thou abi ou h sampiano san portland fian PianO 1 50 60 two daily palatial trains with dinning car service e Pu limin and tourist sleepers good on loi log limited reservations or other Im formation ask buur local agent or write to J 11 BURTON D P A salt lake city utah |