Show MACHINE SHOP cl repair department at annie laurie lanne the new machine shop of the annie laurie laune company for equipment surpasses most shops in this state especially those located at mining properties the main buildings building is 75 feet in length by 35 wide one half of this space has an upp upper er deck on which is located the carpenter shop at the east cast end of the main buildt building 13 a room 35 acet square in which is located the blacksmith shop boiler and sheet iron departments master mechanic Mec hinic is turning in out work which has alays heretofore bacri sent ent to silt like by tits his perfect working 11 enel job is turned out on railroad time heis he is working twel tacil mm A ho me it e all expel is in ili their it tie e lines with this foi foice cc ind the splendid shop equipment lie he cui cin make in anything thin bit b it 1 1 riiho aih oad id loco mott botic c or a battleship and the bo bos s would probably pio bably try them should necessity require lequire it A force of men is kept working 1 seven seen dis i t w ek and emiil nights each week the they ire kept busy bus until midnight list two to cats cais foi thc tram were finished eich cir c ir is a perfect piece of ind nd has a capacity of two and i a h bif if tons of ore ench each cir car is fitted with in iii auto mitic dump ind the wheels run on roller be brings E cry piece of the cir inclusive inc lusie lubic of the bum in ing was 6 a in the docil shop the turning tithes NN well lill in ili fact all the m ichi nerv in the shot shop is run inn by electric power oi 01 cam pressed pres cd an air |