Show A PAPER THAT THAI BEINGS RESU 1118 mcinis of reaped as ad vel Mc Afe ilium dillin busine Bu sines s nople kind its columns a I 1 in aine rit qi E ex imin amiri in ihori millie b 1 Prom ment utah ru inn i it I 1 is most gratifying to the ilia publishers of the reaper to note the constant inci increase ease of denind upon its iti adi ad avertis ertis me allumns nearly every week shows a now new advertise advertis Li in the reaper or tin an increase of space by reit regular ilar so aa arti sers no leei ol 01 have the columns or of the reaper bein so go well filled with advertisements verti as at pie sent and the best an t of this feature is that nearly all of this space is mccu pied by local business concerns not alone the local but a glance ut sit the reapers readers Re apers pages hovis bovis a lot of advertising bv br parties outside of attlio the state foreign as they fire are called chese aro are continued aiom apar to lo year vear thus demon brating that as veil nell as homa institutions have found out thit th it advertising adver veru ver snig in the reaper I 1 brings brines a A all I 1 that the reaper has a valuable circulation that it reaches the P people eople of this section practically all efthem of them it shob that it is a medium that is in touch tonch with tho the people it if this were viero not so our advertisers would not continue to use ue our columns as they do regularly month after month it is further demonstrated that the reaper is accepted and trusted as a reliable elsable paper and holds the conn the public naturally that confidence ind and trust extends to its ad or columns but the best part of A t all is that people eople advertise in the reaper be ause e it is i t good and profitable bust busi ce less 9 q proposition it is an investment tb it e irus a splendid per cent cant on the moudy business men do not use its columns because I 1 the poor devil of an editor needs the mone nor because they are under any obligations to support the paper but solely and only because they get value received from a business standpoint aside from this selfish considers con cons sidera tion however local pecole take pleis pleas ure brein in advertising in the reaper because the paper is a c credit edit to a bigand ambitious town like it gives the place a presage ige in the eyes of strangers it reflects the ahe spirit of 0 progress and enterprise abounds here it creates a favor tavon ible ble impression among out outsiders iders As an illustration which speaks for itself of the com merui ll il value of ad ver in the reaper we will cite a recent instance while on his trip to this city ago goo geo 1 odell general manager of the consolidated wagon machine company of idaho and NN yom irig made a careful inquiry unknown to the reaper as to I 1 its is merits as an ad advertising er medium he satisfied himself to the extent that he voluntarily entered into a years contrat there ire no shrewder business men in the state than mr odell and h he e has had a great deal of experience in ne apar advertising he would not space in any paper unless lie he eXpeL expected ted it to benefit the concern of which be is manager and when he be contracts tor for advertising space it is because he is well hell ass red he will get his moneys worth additional proof of the foregoing can be found in 11 the half page regular aas of J M peterson A co the regulator co and I 1 ff werner and the recent rolert increases in space taken by the Mode lOL 17 arnsworth and others besides the numerous entirely now new advertises verti ses who have entered the reapers readers Re apers columns |