Show JIM 3 OUR NEW SPRING LINE OF 16 01 rd lz now here for four Inspect C ML R lj axy ela il W I 1 P ring line just unpacked seasons latest goods RR N our line of habs and shoes is complete and can sul t everybody FP F P R D f eq ta 01 C 0 A 1 l lc V A wo we cuu call supply all i 1 our needs at the modal our dry goods aro arc the latest patterns and our oar store stoie is 39 full frill ot of new ind dd up to date goods give us a call the model clothing for men boys boyi dud and children our stock is new dow patterns prices I 1 low ow moiel Mol elMeri meru co OUR PHONE 4 e A 4 0 1 41 1 a arcada WHERE THEY MAKE Z acs ics wholesale b retail opposite 0 L farnsworth 16 T a b e proprietor s 0 coca TK |