Show M booke A rhe jull juli SMART SET in the july number of 0 the smart set bet a host ot of entertaining entertain me stories will be ba found the noveletta tp lar will prove interesting interest me reading re adini it ie a called the purple border boeder sod and Is ie written by deatrix Da Uma mareet reet lloyd a young writer of 0 rare pro promise mirie the story opens in rr ireland eland where michael the eo eccentric centric young hero bero is tor america after relinquishing his bis cladma to the he title of an earl upon his ha arrival in newport where he be visits an old boyhood hood friend the real story etory begins a and d a story more full of charm and tine fine sentiment has baa seldom appeared in ony any magazine irwill it will win many readers the abort stone are tati d lad od uniformly excellent |