Show WHOLESALE STORE ahron fir baw will opu op c new nev von frn ern at marscall Mar scale sanator willis johnson 0 circle ville tille WES was in richfield saturday on his bis way to salt lake to make a purchase cf doods tor for a ner lev wholesale ostia Ish ashment ment which he and his brother joseph are to open in Mary MarTE Evale Tale rin nn de the alm name ot of johnson eros be 19 boon BB as the goods are received foods are received there they will handle E tall full line hoe of groceries er and e selling is in abole sale lots ony only they expect to cap f ft lot ol oi business that now goes direct to the be jobbing houses both are experienced merchants 1 I illis johnson John soil has been conducting a store at Cir circleville Circle cleville Tille for a number of years |