Show RE HE FOSTERED our count adners lb be doing something to encourage the fruit industry of this county count y they could make an c excellent beginning by enforcing the bo ticul tural laws of the state mate A competent tree ink inspector should le appointed and the county should back him up the fruit industry already rep re several thou thousand sana dollars in this county by proper encouragement encourage and the support it describes descries des cries it could and would be made worth ten dollars where it ib now worth one it is not much use for a few to try to raise the fruit industry to a high standard when they are handicapped by being surrounded by old orchard rookeries rook eries infested with all sorta of destructive insects the old insect traps should be condemn ed they are neither useful nor ornamental they are a detriment to their owners and to those who are trying to get good clean orchards started it will not cost the county much to have competent horticultural re regulations ions enforced we understand that the cost lid did not exceed for four deais the county gets that back almost directly ir in taxes on account of increased valuations a in property A few good orchards would increase theta the tax rev venue several hundred dollars a year it has been demonstrated that condition in this county are very favorable for fruit growing 0 the industry should be fostered the bealy tax payers are to some benefit for their ta tax money besides paying salaries to county officials |