Show PUMP AGENCY corria for I orrion ria biba ilae have state aenk for foi recent invention the ot of morrison eros bros has taken hold bold of the wyeth double action pu pump trip recently introduced heie bete by G hafen of salt lake and are making arrangements to solicit and arld jill fill orders they have secured the right to make and sell the pumps pomps in this state and sell territory in all the states west of the mississippi river they are having the cae castings made for a lot of pumps and in a short time piped expect to have the manufacture of the pumps so well advanced that the they y can begin soliciting for orders for immediate delivery A number of orders ordera have already been received from par ties who hat haie is seen the pump and in no time the first lot will be exhausted this pump has been pronounced by all who have seen it operate to be the most practical and successful one invented with double water chambers it pours out an almost continuous contin stream of water and the balance makes it so easy to operate that a child can ea easily eaily ily handle it the pumps are as good for deep wells ells as shallow crips and are a most practical affair for keeping vater out of shafts |