Show DECOR DAY the muffled drum s b sad ad roll has beat the tattoo of tens denb and hundreds hundred of thousands during the past ear not only of oe N veterans of the d din n of battle but veterans of every walk wak of life and the auth in life t s green spring matron and maid and sweet babe following the beautiful custom which vaa v a established in this thib country some borne forty ears ago ago and which has hab grown to a sublime and hallo ved ned custom N we e ha have e once more bep lepi tired ired to tle the sacred spots of ground hold the cold and silent forms of those near and deir to us and them silent honor and reference it is a noble custom this anguil gilgi 0 image to the city of eternal rest it softens the hearts of the lomg living subdues the N v lid ild and passionate no nature and keeps green the recollections of those N vi ho ha have e gone before and reminds us that our duty to the dead does not rest with the funeral requiem the only regret is that the d day ay is too frequently dei devoted cited to sport and amusement a spirit the very opposite po ite ot of that which should obtain we can well afford to devote on one e day solely to honoring the dead without andul indulging gin in pastimes which aich annot escape seeming like sterile e |