Show meet called ju or young farmers four town group to elect officers and name delegates to convention the richfield unit of young farmers will hold a meeting at saturday evening november 23 for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year and of selecting five delegates to the state convention to be held november 26 at the newhouse hotel in salt lake the meeting will be held in don E kenneys kennels Ken room at the high school henry bates who has served as president since the unit was organized here and has been active in organizing the state group call called e d the election meeting early this year stating that he felt the organization would benefit from having a president whose home is in in richfield giving more central location mr bates lives at central and the unit covers the richfield high school area richfield glenwood sigurd and vermilion the state convention will aleci elect officers outline a program for the year and formally adopt the constitution ution and bylaws by laws recently drafted by a committee on which mr bates and scott hawley of f monroe state president served the organization sets no age limit for membership but invites any ny farmers who wish to join |