Show CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS ARE ANNOUNCED A long list of civil service examinations ami nations have been announced recently for metal workers mechanics hanics chanice cs electricians and engineers in in various branches of government service lists are posted in the federal building or information may be obtained from H E peterson of the board of civil service examiners at the richfield post of office fice of from the local branch of the state employment service in the peterson bank building for most of the exams expiration dates for applications are set for the near future e but some are to be rated as received r e without limitation other exams announced for which applications should be in by december 9 include chief laboratory mechanic principal translator and inspectors for a long line of supplies for the war department part ment one for fire chief for employment in the war debart ment at ogden ordinance depot is listed applications to be in by november 27 applications for junior tabulating machine operator and id alphabetic accounting machine operator should be in by november 22 |