Show WP A recreation project seeks books and music approximately books were contributed by individuals throughout the state during the book drive conducted in november of 1937 by the recreation project under tinder direction of verne veme B D thorps I 1 assistant state director of reccea recreation tion this number of books has been repaired and catalogued cataloguer catalo gued and they have bave been circulated throughout the state during the past eight months through the establishment of reading rooms in rural communities i muni ties traveling library systems personal contact visit to crippled children and shu tins and reading tables placed at parks and playgrounds throughout the state the demand for the books has been so great that plans plana have been developed to conduct a similar drive during november 19 1938 with the drive commencing on the th h of the month and continuing until december 15 in addition to used books which will be donated civic clubs and various organizations throughout the state will be given we the privilege of contributing new books for the collection in addition to new near and used books sheet music and records will also be included in the statewide state wide drive it is believed that hundreds of slices of able music could be put into use and which have been stored away iv ay after having served its use in the particular P place lace for which it was purchased it is anticipated that approximately books will be collected c 01 through the 1939 drive and a collection of good music and records will be available to be placed in rural communities where the need is the greatest the dailve will be conducted under the immediate direction of the recreation project which is sponsored by the state department of public instruction instructs i on service e clubs boy scout organizations and like will be sponsors cosponsors co of the jl drive 1 ve which will be statewide in scope i |