Show ARMISTICE DAY on november 11 in all 1 ev or ence and ic ie we should once more give thought and salute to those courageous countrymen of ours who unselfishly gave their lives that the true of democracy might live that their faith in the cherished ideals of this great country might be justified and a true gratitude be shown for the blood which they so freely shed november 11 1938 is the twentieth anniversary of the signing of the armistice which ended the world war congress at its last session adopted an act approved by the president on may 13 1938 under which the alth of november of each year is declared to be a day dedicated to the cause of world peace and is placed on a parity with new years day memorial day birthday labor day and christmas as a legal holiday to talk of a day dedicated to world peace in a world at present dedicated to rearmament seems almost ironical yet to prepare for the worst with one hand and work ifor for the best with the other seems I 1 to be uncle sams only course in the face of present world conditions service quietly rendered and sacrifice uncomplainingly endured aided led the american people in their first struggle for liberty as it did during the world war to reflect on it as armistice day comes round each year stirs the thought that patriotism need not be noisy or blatant but to a liberty loving people it is associated with love afi home family and with love of god united we stand divided we fall is a statement as true of the united states today as it was when first voiced by a great am parnot the cicat mass of american Arne rican people have the samm same ideals and want the same things yet unfortunately there is a tendency to walk in confusion rather than in faith and surety toward the goal contributing t to 0 this contusion confusion are aie some things so simple that to call them to attention as contributors would shock the intelligence telli gence of many thoughtful persons and lead them to scoff at the very idea one of these simple things is merely the names of our major political parties perhaps s that sounds absurd but think 1 it t over to a gi gica ca amany people the name republican party implies that the party stands for a republic and the name democratic party implies that the party stands for a democracy while they have only a vague conception of the terms in reality the united states is a republic and on the other hand this republic is but a limited form of democracy outlined ed in this case by the constitution of the united states and developed for the convenience veni ence of a large and free populace to elect representatives rather than to ote bote directly on oil all questions arising in the process of government irn ern ment if the two major poli al parties would in their program is present a degree of directness to which they proposed under the tl e constitution to carry the reusch can an form of democracy and C t c e way vay in which they proposed 0 0 manipulate the machinery of government ern ment there would be mo e straight thinking and less bitterness when that word politics is mentioned A survey would disclose that a great many people ale aie contused confused cont used in their of thin thinking lung by just such simple things as the one mentioned here in the collect of the national federation of clubs is a statement that rings infinitely giuei ciuc it is the little things that create differences in the big things of life we are as one |