Show THE BEST BUY IN california WINE all VAR POAT Q advertisements advertisement S NOTICE sheepskin and leather coats of all kinds can be repaired and at jensen dry cleaners tailors 1 block west of johnston hotel phone FOR SALE good bi big heating stove suitable for garage or large building G H johnson E nd no FOR RENT 2 loom house J J dunn depression has taught many the advantage of operating their own business thirty six page book the key to business opportunities ahoi shows vs how just ask for it its FREE with no strings attached J G salisbury east broadway salt lake city utah 43 FOR SALE native lumber specialty sheep panels melvin kay annabella 44 45 please return the ice cream freezer that was taken from my house thursday evening no questions asked clarence littlewood 45 LOST one ewe 10 la cambs iambs abs re waid vaid lewis beagley 45 splendid rawleigh routes with more than 1000 families in each now available an excellent lifetime opportunity for men with cars who are not afraid to work no experience or capital needed for complete information see sec or write frank pritchett richfield utah or write W T rawleigh co denver ai A jewa NONE M 0 D Y HA V T ING dirr Y DM F T YA E CA give Us your order u today for special SP eci ol 01 o l oil treated ithker t ke slack la k ANY AMOUNT delivery friday or monday tri state lumber AILA er co 0 WANT ADS PAY DR EARL LEWIS registered optometrist EYES EXAMINED GLASSES PITTED FITTED LENSES duplicated FRAMES REPAIRED 3 doors north of d commercial savings bank phones office 66 res rca 2 stabilized VITAMIN M PRO DU C T S FOR BETTER HEALTH AT man an n ling ing pharmacy EIGHTEEN MONTHS OLD s I 1 ib BOTTLED AT THE DIRECT FROM DEEP CHARRED OAK BARRELS kv NO BETTER AT ANY PRICE I 1 90 PROOF 1 acu I 1 is jentli bmw sigby NOW PLAYING LYRIC saturday thursday friday and saturday TUESDAY WEDNESDAY jack pot night admission loc and continuous chois saturday after matinee prices to aou As a special armistice day offering we have secured a return showing of this great war ivar drama nothing finer or more c appropriate SEE W H E R E T H E P OISON IVY AGAIN I 1 TWINES AROUND THE TRAILER america s SHE favorite folks CONQUERED COUNTS AND EARLS BUT HE COULD HAN auspices of the am rc in i lesion legion i DLE HIS DUKES I 1 LYRIC 0 the wide open wednesday thursday friday spaces wi th fun BARGAIN SHOW and romanced ro mancel as 11 ii JOHN WAYNE IDAL CK IFO i in NATURE E 0 M U N with D L 0 W E ave G L OR I 1 A ST U A R TR E G A L D 0 W E 11 21 sunday and monday LYRIC sunday monday tuesday continuous chos after matinee prices to sunday conti chos sunday after matinee prices to A ONE MAN ARMY BUT divot A ONE WOMAN MAIT he laughs at love scoffs at who an death makes good his bluss bering boast for the s a ke of a lad who believes himl donces to kivat a x 4 Z j W a X VICTOR I 1 FREDDIE FRANK BABI mi MORGAN HELEN WESTLEY ka Q N JAL A ROBERT KENT M XI ASTRID ALLWYN A L AIER DELMA THE HALL BYRON r JOHNSON CHOIR 1 alm ADDED glara GLOSA STUART stepin ZANUCK attraction S constance collier michael whalen by A stife A C henry gordon DARRYL F damon rollicking of from runyon t s story without you caery M e rr rbt 1 by thrilling dyen advant turl urel twos v 0 J 19 S wha THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOVEMBER uth BIG DOUBLE v FEATURE w A MT HIT NO 1 HIT NO 2 JOAN BENNETT and JOEL mccrea in BUCK JONES in TWO INA IN A CROWD boss rider of gun creek |