Show associated ci civic vic clubs announce beaver Me meeting etino in the A associated s socia ted civic clubs of southern utah will hold its monthly meeting november IG and 17 at beaver it is announced by the see sec 1 ray E carr president F G martines mai Mat tines will give a report of the annual meeting of the roosevelt highway association which he attended in chicago october 26 in the interest of winning the associations sup for having the transcontinental highway routed into utah over U S no 50 success in having 1 I this endorsed was reported in the reaper immediately after mr air martines Mar lines returned A copy of the resolution endorsing endo ising it was received wednesday by mr air martines standing committees have been asked to submit at the meeting written reports of projects they recommended for 1936 each of the 15 counties embraced in the organization was asked at the last meeting to hold an election for a director before the november meeting though they wont take office until the december meeting new directors are asked to attend the meeting at beaver to get acquainted with the new projects expected to come before the meeting the first business session will be at 3 p in saturday following which will be a venison banquet and a dance on sunday at 9 a m the final business session will be held |