Show S WISS alpine 01 HERE entertainments scheduled at stake tabernacle and monroe onroe high school A birds eye view of switzerland and its interesting side lights is the description given of the program to be presented here friday evening at 8 in the sevier stake tabernacle by the sw swiss iss alpine Sere naders as the first of the seasons recreation numbers being sponsored by the sevier seder stake af I 1 A the trio will present the same program at 11 a m friday at the south se vier high school at monroe as a number on the school lyceum course ase since since the program was first announced three weeks a ago richfield people and many from surrounding towns have been looking forward to the performance and an unusually large attendance is anticipated persons not holding seasons tickets may secure tickets at the door As previously announced the alpine Sere naders are entertainers from the graham music and lyceum bureau of salt lake city and have won favor for staging one of tha the most popular acts on the coast the alpine Screna Sere naders ders include elsie grobecker contralto and swiss yodeler bella grobecker soprano and swiss yodeler and ros rosalyn a lyn pearl ace accordion ardion and P piano lano soloist following is an outline of the program they will present here friday medley of yodels and harmony duet alpine folk song happy is the alpine life duet swiss folk song with yodel emmenthal emmerthal Em menthal duet swiss lauterbach song with yodel duet duct accordion solo italian march rosalyn american folk song home on the range duet reading becky and imitation of steel guitar elsie yodel folk song edelweiss duet A boy scout song 1 explanation of Switzer lands boy scout organization iza tion duet piano solo rosalyn theme melody in spring the motion picture in which the alpine Sere naders appeared contralto solo old man alan river elsie swiss yodel song calling the cows duet american yodel song yodel craze elsie reading the jealousy of an italian girt girl bella cuckoo yodel song duet finale farewell yodel song duet |