Show SEAL SALES HE LH NOVEMBER to help beneficial work of state tuberculosis association take by mail only the santa claus on this years christmas seal of the tuberculosis association is a very jolly fellow and suggests the part being played d by the seal in utah the association who has conducted a summer camp for the past three years increased the number of children taken from 32 to 40 and plans to raise the number to 50 in 1930 every county in utah has the privilege of sending at least one child for six weeks outing during which the child is given special care and and feeding last year the average gain during the six weeks was 43 4 pounds although one child gained 9 pounds the association conducts a field public health nursing service and a county can secure a nurse for varying periods during the past year this service has been given gevea to five districts the association keeps a good sup supply ply of health education eda cation material on hand which it sends to teachers on request many teachers secure very attractive posters and helpful health books and pamphlets through the organization the latest government statistical reports show that although the death late from tuberculosis has been greatly lowered loNN ered and now ranks as sixth cause of death between the ages of 15 and 40 it is still the largest single cause of morality christmas health seals sent out by the utah tuberculosis association this year will be sold only through the mails formella For meily melly school children were the selling agent and sold the seals by going to friends and neighbors this proved to be a nuisance especially to the busy housewife arid and the plan of selling by mail was adopted but the chil then dien have enjoyed doing this work and it is liard hard for them to understand why they should not go out to sell the seals which may come to their homes the executive secretary miss ada taylor graham says dont buy seals aiom children and dont permit your children to go out to sell them if you receive seals and do not care to keep them put them in the stamped envelope provided and return to the association |