Show WANTON CRUELTY it is truly a sad experience t to 0 find the most innocent of all am animals a little fawn deer with both front legs broken by the slug from the rifle of some careless reckless hunter such was the experience of C J olsen assistant forest supervisor of the fishlake fishlike Fish lake national forest at richfield while patrolling for game violations in the beaver mountains during the deer season just passed it is regretful to know that we have hunters of the kind that will continue to shoot at anything they see or even hear no wonder we have serious accidents says mr olsen it is difficult for me to think of anyone so cold and hard heart ed as to shoot a little innocent fawn as this one was shot and then leave it crying pitifully in distress to slowly but surely die yet it was done in this casse case and in a number of other similar cases every red blooded american sportsman should lend his wholehearted cooperation and assistance to avoid this kind of work we need more educational propaganda widely spread and the assistance of every hunter during the open season fish and game clubs should make this an issue in order to avoid if humanly possible accidents involving human life and and 1 to protect the game resources of our state and nation |