Show salina junior high broken bone result pi salt of football game kimble kane stude student rrt of the salina eight grade suffered a broken collar bone and slight injuries of the neck last tuesday forenoon kimble picked up a fumbled ball and headed for the roal goal an opposing player tackled lum him this opponent was thrown forward and alighted on kimbles shoulder ile he was viken ken to the salina hospital where here the bono bone was ret let A halloween part A Hal halloween loueen party nas held at 11 he salina a eight grade room the Pc nth prad rail hid had been invited to tiko take part in th fe A special program proc rani had been arranged by oma n of tho the eighth crade arade student after the the time ants spent in plaine gaias and other form foiw of f it at the cloe of th the party refreshments were fd eff th cornin comin atre 1 bv fhe othar alls iii hae made blui pirty p a cwm |