Show BIG CH COMPLETE mn PUS PLUS skaggs united cash stores store and Safe safeway tsay stores store now novi one sa stem announcement vaa maa made of the con of coast a ad 4 pacific north nort north hvest Nest chain stor interests inter erts when nhen M D B art president of skaggs united stores store cot co L L skaggs 91 b 1 president present of cash stores co anti and W R H weldon president of the safea stores stored inc co the report of the merger of the ihrcke big concern effective jul 1 1926 net a t et elii of the concern s involved in the traiL transaction action are given as in excels of five file million dollars dollan and the deal retail grocery grocers stores meat markets G bakeries and other activities of a similar nature operating in ten states ea E timatea total annual sales of the units in ol 01 oled ed are said to approximate Sr the merger i is said to make thi the largest graceey concern operating aea est of the tha aid ippi river nier in making the announcement of the consolidation heads of the concerns involved pointed out that the ahr three chains chain have been and are non noa operating in non competitive terri tori the to gs chains are located in and d around san an francisco n the san Joa joaauin fuin and sacramento valley alley in california and in most orn oni the larger cities and towns of the other northwestern states state including oregon washington idaho montana utah neada coming Wo mint ming colorado and extending as far eat as nebraska the gateway evLy operate entirely ri tirel in southern california the rea on for tile the merger a given by the heads of the dit different Terent companies 1 is to further a far reaching rg effort toward effecting greater economies in food distribution officials of the concern pointed out that im imply py I 1 as a matter of 90 good business the benefits of all such econn ornies will be passed on to the con consumer as they the a are re real realized z abc acc according rg to the announcement no change in per pers onel of the conc concerns eims involved Ls is contemplated |