Show program for armistice day at the high school next nex t thurdis thur di is november Noi ember 11 the high school will cooperate with the local artillery battery in the oben ance of armistice day A program which kill ill interest the townspeople as well vell as 03 the students will be given at 2 1 p m in the asem bli youve carried on a song dedicated to the soldiery Boli hers erb of the world war will if bo sung b a nied mixed chorus with orchestra stra accompaniment following pram prater er by rev young will be a wient tribute to tho the fallen heroes capt capoin un 11 E beal will then address al dreK the auh ence after selections by the th school orchestra a short play the old lady shows H her r medals will be given by the lugh high school students thu direction of mii nial nel nei ton son A parade to be arranged by th local battery aid wid the studer t bod will take place after the program ram Tam |