Show REGARDING THE SALINA LE LEAD ADZI AD ZI ZINC NC COMPANY 1 explorative mining operations are to many people seemingly I 1 long drawn out and fulfillment of any ally preconceived plans seems I 1 always to he be far away our company like most of the mining companies in the explorative stage has mining problems to work out the chief problem of the salina lead zinc company has been to keep strictly to explorative methods to attain the utmost results for the least money and so far all of our expectations have been more than fulfilled both regarding the ore areas uncovered and regarding positive proof of ore in commercial quantities at depth to reach the ore areas the company is committed to sink its shaft to the two fiso deep ore levels at feet and feet from the surface respectively the mineral showings owings sK in the foot level have haac conclusively clu proven the benefits to be derived from deep sinking the shaft the company is no longer in the prospectors class hut but has a proven mine mine INI with ith commercial possibilities in silver lead and zinc some rumors have reached me ine at different times that the company would could shut down and that the pump for taking care of the water recently encountered would never be installed let me state that the company at this time is planning to establish a salt lake office which will be located at suite of the kearns keams building and it is the intention of the company to continue its financial progress under the management of mr air E E brown ir robert burns our president and general manager has the pump at the mine now and will be ready to continue sinking within about ten days or as soon as the balance of the necessary pipe will arrive therefore in substance the company has again fulfilled its obligation to the shareholders and has done exactly what it has promised to do those who are belittling the efforts of the salina lead zinc company are doing so against the best interests of all for mines make payrolls and create home markets for the farn farm 1 products raised here utah mines have paid this year in in n net et dividends to tile the shareholders what has made the cutting of such a melon possible figure it out for bour yourself elf and kee keep p in mind that before paying dividends all money expended in the economic life of these mines has to be taken off first 1 which means m ea n s that pro rata farmers stock growers and cattlemen cattler n and sheep men have received directly or indirectly their share from this great industry the Sal salina lead zinc company will fulfill its program and the work will be itil pushed to the last limits the company will appreciate all the help it can receive from those who are interested in seeing the companas comp anys purpose accomplished to that end under orders of the board of directors the company will limit its sale of stock at the price of 25 cents per share and further solicit funds on this basis in the local territory up to january 15 1929 after that date there will be no more 25 cent stock sold in this county and the company will then enter the phase of larger financing to meet the for shipping ore there are very few companies started out in such a humble way that have as much to show in results obtained as the salina lead zine zinc company the companas comp anys policy has been the utmost for the least money I 1 take this occasion to express my personal regard to the people of sevier valley who iho have supported this venture we ire are entering the new year with most concrete prospects for shipping commercial ores to the smelters shelters sm elters tile the company is free of indebtedness outside of the current bills which ar taken care of monthly I 1 hope that our endeavors will meet with your approval and I 1 want to wish to one and all of you nou a very merry christmas and a happy and prosperous new year it is my earnest desire that this mining venture prove worthy of your utmost support E F B DAUDE M 13 consulting engineer for the salina lead |