Show ANGEL grandma 6 grandma westman D died i e d peacefully sunday evening the death of matilda atilda I berg westman who passed away at 1130 sunday evening marks the closing of a long and useful career and she will be gre greatly atIN missed in the community in which she has lived and labored for so many years she was born bom in upsala kupsala sweden october 1810 the death of her father wo who was a soldier old ler occurred when sh she e was three years old when she was twelve years old she left her home to earn cam her own living being Ile healthy althy and strong she often worked iti t the fields at the hardest kind of labor at the age of twenty one she entered into the employ of an i p army y officer as a servant which pite place she retained for five years her willingness to serve and her great desire to please as well as her lind disposition won their love and i appal appreciation cia tion and she was given an I 1 elaborate wedding reception upon the r occasion of her marriage to peter E westman in november 1866 he was a widower with one little girl 10 years of age he was also a soldier in the service of his country 1 I in the year 1869 they both becane became converts of L D S mission aries and joined the church in april 1871 a daughter was born bom to them and one year later they J emigrated to america on account of prejudice a against r alst the mormons cormons A they were forced t to 0 leave 1 cave the oldest daughter in sweden but they brought with them gustave blomquist then four years of age who was the son of mrs westmaas West mans sister a widow with two other children they were on the ocean three weeks b before landing in ne new york and then continued their journey to continued on page eight DARK ANGEL CLAIMS MATILDA WESTMAN continued from page one ogden and later to salt lake city i t hero here they worked hard and saved s v e every cent they could and in two years were able to send fo for r mrs Blom blomquist qui st and her other two sons mr westman was then called to work on the st george temple and mrs airs westman borrowed a loom and wove cloth and carpets and went out washing in order to provide for herself and two children again her pleasant disposition and desire to do her work well made for her many friends and she was loath to leave salt lake city when the call came to move south and take up farming fanning land with her husband and children she came as far is as mayfield in 1875 but in june 18 1876 76 in moved oved to richfield where she I 1 has a resided ever since three more children were born bom to th them em in richfield annie lizzie andi and alma in january 1886 they were called to part with v ith their oldest daughter augusta a bright and loveable love able girl of fifteen years year the death of mr air westman occurred sixteen years ago there are very few of the older residents of our city who do not know of the ambitious and industrious character of grandma westman she labored constantly as a weaver for many years in order to accumulate the means necessary fo for r the education of her children her greatest furtey joy was to be able to help to further r any good cause and to help the po poor or and needy she labored in the relief society for almost fifty years and was always willing to give of her time and means it can truly be said of her that she lived for others and if there is a reward for services rendered in this world ab she e h has as ea earned arned hers mrs airs westman is survived by three children mrs david hansen and mrs wm gardner of richfield and peter alma westman We of salt lake city twenty two grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren survive urvine beld funeral services services will be held this afternoon friday at 2 in the first ward chapel |