Show 0 0 SCISSORS AND J PASTE COLUMN J 0 0 the wheels of industry are arc not turned by cranks you m may a y be glad youre alive but who else iq i only bowlers think the world has gone to the dogs the man whose family once dressed beyond his means now owns a car beyond his means you have a right to do a lot of things that you have no business doing you may be all things to all men but somewhere is a woman who can see through you they used to bob it now they shingle it and they still can clip sandpaper er and varnish it but after that what can they do thinking is a fine habit lots of men are now in in the penitentiaries aries because they think some women grow old before their time trying to look young after their time if you are going to be a star performer form er on the stage of life you time to moon around the marriage altar is so called because it is on this altar a man sacrifices his liberty |