Show BEET BE GIVEN M 1 I A to promote unique entertainment which is scheduled for saturday you will get your beet check saturday and on the same evening you will have an opportunity to dance and by attending the dance to win one of the two 50 pound sacks of sugar donated for the occasion by the elsinore factory of the utah idaho sugar co how this is well quite simple the recreation committee of the stake M I 1 A arranged for a sugar beet festival in the form of a dance to be given saturday evening in the anona each admission ticket will be numbered and when the dance will be in full swing two lucky numbers will be extracted from the bag holding the corresponding responding c or coupons the two lucky ones one winning each one of the half hundredweights hundred weights of sugar this certainly will be a sweet affair to dance to the strains of sweet music with a sweet lady friend and to win a bag of sweet sugar and having received a sweet beet check a few hours before the dance it certainly will be the sweet end of a perfectly sweet day |