Show 0 NORTH SEVIER HIGH SCHOOL 0 0 for E education ducati oll staged sue suc supt bupt A 7 Ashil lans ad 1 dle was U ib tile iio finale figures on illiteracy as far as the united states is IF concerned are very di discouraging scour aging said superintendent ashman in ili his impressive ad diess to the parents and students tsi friday of educational week this addris which was tile the I 1 last ast number of a splendid program that was given it at in the alie high school auditorium concluded a most successful campaign for education superintendent ashman gave some surprising figures as to illiteracy in denmark compared with those in united states there is only one person in five hundred or two tenths of one per cent who c cannot annot read and write in ili denni denmark ark while there are six percent or thirty in live hundred in united st stites states ites who cannot read or write sixty eight percent of these illiterates are american born and i alsed iowa leading tile the union in noti non illiterates is still below the little country of denmark having on one e and one fourth per cent or one person in two hundred illiterates utah is ninth in ili the union with two all and d a half per cent illiterates south sout h carolina is the lowest in education liar having nearly twenty four per cent illiterates mr ashman stated that in the more advanced countries in education 1 a I longer day month and year is had bad than the united has he felt that more time should be given to education as education and learning will solve tile the illiteracy problem the national government he stated raises only ten per cent per capita tor for education he felt that it should take more responsibility because the taxes are now raised to the limit in ili the state rind and local units the superintendent encouraged the students to acquire more knowledge concerning current history students he said should become acquainted quain ted with such characters as coolidge steinmetz burbank hughes lloyd george and carnegie th the 0 men who are making history today to day he told the boys rind and girls that thoy they hold their future in ili their own hands and that great characters and servants may come from the ranks of north sevier he closed his masterly address with the following thought from shakespeare ignorance is tile the curse of god knowledge the wings by which we fly from heaven other numbers of the days program were march of the men alen of harlech by the chorus invocation mr moody talk parents and teachers part in education by the student body president howard matsson talk S M jorgensen board member from north sevier tro trombone m solo mr air wright song of the breeze by chorus pledge and salute to the flag by audience led by mr DJ bjorkman star spangled danner banner audience benediction mr Bi bjorkman the preceding program observed on friday which was designated as community day is placed first in this discussion only because it received somewhat greater emphasis than did the other days of educational week however the other days were fittingly observed constitution annl pati lot liin stressed monday the students of the history and civics classes studied the constitution ution of the united states tuesday two members or of the public speaking dabs class ruth and angel nc funk gave talks on oil patriotism in ili devotional the student body otic acers ers had charge wednesday lis li s 4 johnstone spot points for health unique posters nvere acie placed in ili the auditorium thursday morning containing such sayings as fill your lungs dont have a flat tire make make dour bath tub a laugh tub the cleaner the teeth the broader the smile calille 11 after algle algie parsons Por Poll sons speech on physical education these wise savings sn ings were repeated aloud by bv tile the student body miss johnstone announced that each boy who cline came to school friday with his shoes ed ea or his hair not combed would I 1 be finel fined a I 1 penny and the girl comai committing itt the same ottense offense would be fined filled two pennies the pr proceeds wele to go to 1 a I fund tor for the g girls eirls rest room miss grace cardon tha chairman nall for education week together w with ith her assistants mr workman bjorkman mr moody and miss should be complimented for their successful campaign for education financial of tile na still star campaign E even ven it if the seniors are elder elderly I 1 and d possibly in their second childhood ui od they are still active and ambitions bit ions they far outstripped the other classes in the north star campaign for ads and subscriptions they turned in which is 1125 more than the juniors more than the sophomores and 2250 more than the freshmen from their activities at the carnival they c leared cleared including given by the eighth grade the juniors cleared 1075 including from the eighth grade tile the sophomores 1201 freshmen 1028 the classes turned over to the north st star ir staff from the admission fees of the carnival and dance together with 6 5 44 from the student body was collected making a final total of 2329 received in ili the north star campaign special mention is given to the eighth grade who through suase subscriptions rip turned in and from the carnival 1300 their fine spirit and diligent work is fully appreciated by the north star staff basket ball Is in III pull sanin S gnp along with thanksgiving Thanks g season conics comes basket ball season N S H S is equally well pleased with both the sophomores won the first game ot of the season thursday over the freshmen the juniors were defeated by the ambitious seniors friday the victorious classes are strutting around like turkeys but beware as this is a dangerous time of the year for st other games are to be played as follows november 27 the juniors vs the freshmen november 28 S seniors vs freshmen december 1 sophomores vs seniors december 5 sophomores vs juniors lamar burgess and nd mr will celebrate thanksgiving tar mr bjorkman science instructor and lamar burgess senior nearly passed away thursday in the laboratory where they inhaled some chlorine gas they were making they throw threw open the windows and were revived by the fresh air tile the room was cooled to such an extent that it was impossible lor for the girls to perform any chemistry experiments the next period does this experience account for lamars A in chemistry t parents parent s aca teachers ch ens reorganize A reorganization of the parents and teachers league was affected on friday at 4 p ni C N X mickel aun oil of redmond was electea president nud and mrs airs carl forshea Fors hec secretary 0 ray evans and al L I 1 were named as vice dents the executive committee 0 last year was retained tile the students showed ili an extraordinary interest in ili their advisers last thursday for the climax of the first quarters work had been reached each student found his hib advisers room promptly at 1205 and received ills report card it was interesting to observe tho the varied remarks and actions that followed the distribution of tile the rep oits particularly from tho the chemistry stude students fits tho the seniors are determined to be victorious in ili everything F friday tho the girls played the sophomore girls a game of base ball and a score was made of 17 to S in their favor everyone know knew miss johnstone is capable e of doing a anything n t h i n g slie she d desires e but who th thought 0 u g 1 i t s she would vou 1 1 l rob the heavens of its planets yet it must bo be so tor for mars was her guest this week end |